This is a program written in Go to analyze game logs and generate a report with statistics for each game.
A simple log parser for game logs extracts player information, kills, and kill types from the log and generates a report.
The Game Log Parser is a tool that reads a game log file and extracts relevant information such as player details, kills, and kill types. It then generates a report summarizing the data for each game played.
- Go (version 1.20 or higher)
- Make sure you have Go installed on your system or docker.
- Clone the repository to your local environment:
git clone
cd game-log
- Build the project:
go build
make build_local
- Run the program, providing the path of the log file as an argument:
go run main.go path/to/file.log
For example:
./game-log log/temp.log
make run ARGS=log/temp.log
go run main.go log/temp.log
Run the tests inside a docker container:
make test
Run the tests in the local:
make test_local
Build the docker image:
make package
Push the image to a docker registry:
make release
20:37 ------------------------------------------------------------
20:37 InitGame: \sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\10000\sv_minRate\0\sv_hostname\Code Miner Server\
20:38 ClientConnect: 2
20:38 ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\Isgalamido\t\0\model\uriel/zael\hmodel\uriel/zael\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\
20:38 ClientBegin: 2
20:42 Item: 2 item_armor_body
20:54 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT
20:59 Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
21:07 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT
21:10 ClientDisconnect: 2
21:15 ClientConnect: 2
21:17 ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\Isgalamido\t\0\model\uriel/zael\hmodel\uriel/zael\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\
21:17 ClientBegin: 2
21:34 Item: 2 ammo_rockets
21:42 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT
21:49 Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
21:51 ClientConnect: 3
21:51 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\Dono da Bola\t\0\model\sarge/krusade\hmodel\sarge/krusade\g_redteam
21:53 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\Mocinha\t\0\model\sarge\hmodel\sarge\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\4\c2\5\hc\95\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0
21:53 ClientBegin: 3
22:04 Item: 2 ammo_rockets
22:06 Kill: 2 3 7: Isgalamido killed Mocinha by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
22:11 Item: 2 item_quad
22:11 ClientDisconnect: 3
22:18 Kill: 2 2 7: Isgalamido killed Isgalamido by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
22:27 Item: 2 ammo_rockets
22:40 Kill: 2 2 7: Isgalamido killed Isgalamido by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH
22:45 Item: 2 item_armor_body
25:41 Kill: 1022 2 19: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_FALLING
25:50 Item: 2 item_armor_combat
25:52 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT
26:09 Item: 2 weapon_rocketlauncher
26:10 ShutdownGame:
20:37 ------------------------------------------------------------
"game_1": {
"total_kills": 8,
"players": ["Isgalamido", "Mocinha"],
"kills": {
"Isgalamido": -4,
"kills_by_means": {
Player Ranking:
1. Isgalamido: -4 kills