This setup instructions are focused on Linux users, if you are using MacOs or Windows, you might need to adapt.
sudo apt install virtualenvwrapper
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
mkvirtualenv django-news --python=\
which python3`` -
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
, then open another tab on terminal -
sudo apt install npm node
cd frontend
npm i
npm run dev
Longer version:
Choose and download
First, setup your favorite virtualevn. I recommend virtualenvwrapper.
Create and activate your virtualenv.
If you are using virtualenvwrapper. You might need to source it on your terminal first.
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
To create you virtual environment just prompt:
mkvirtualenv {your_venv_name} --python=`which python3\`
It will activate automatically. But, for future reference, when you already have an environment set up, to activate it you prompt:
workon {your_venv_name}
And to deactivate it, just prompt:
With your virtualenv set up, just pip install -r requirements.txt
on root folder.
On Linux you might get those by sudo apt install npm
and sudo apt install nodejs
Then cd
into frontend folder: cd frontend
And install project requirements locally:
npm i
You need this to server webpack automagically bundled assets after each change on frontend files
npm run dev
Back at root folder (you might need to cd ..
python manage.py migrate
Now your database is migrated, you will need to populate it:
python manage.py populate_db
Don't worry about duplicates, this command will only update your entities in case your database already have some (or all) the data the script is supposed to populate.
python manage.py runserver
This repo refers to a Django application that serve some news to a react application to consume and render it.
Author: Marcelo Tokarnia
Deployed at: django-news@Heroku