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maniramezan committed Jul 27, 2023
1 parent 14363a5 commit be52717
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 0 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions Sources/UserDefault/UserDefault.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,128 @@
import Foundation
import UserDefaultMacro

/// # ``UserDefaultMacro``

/// Generates `userDefaults` variable and `init(userDefaults:)` method for the type. It marks all mutable properties are also marked `@UserDefaultRecord`
/// This attribute can be used on type definitions like `class` and `struct`.
/// ```swift
/// @UserDefaultDataStore
/// struct UserDefaultsStore {
/// var myBoolean: Bool
/// }
/// ```
/// is expanded to:
/// ```swift
/// @UserDefaultDataStore
/// struct UserDefaultsStore {
/// // START: Added by UserDefaultDataStore
/// private let userDefaults: UserDefaults
/// internal init(userDefaults: UserDefaults = .standard) {
/// self.userDefaults = userDefaults
/// }
/// // END
/// @UserDefaultRecord
/// var myBoolean: Bool
/// }
/// ```
/// If the variable already has `@UserDefaultRecord`, it'll be ignored by this macro. Check ``UserDefaultRecord(key:defaultValue:)`` for more details.
/// - Parameters:
/// - userDefaults: Instance of `UserDefaults` to use. Defaults to `.standard`
/// - accessLevel: Access level of the generated `init`. Defaults to `.internal`
@attached(member, names: named(userDefaults), named(init(userDefaults:)))
public macro UserDefaultDataStore(using userDefaults: UserDefaults = .standard, accessLevel: AccessLevel = .internal) = #externalMacro(module: "UserDefaultMacro", type: "UserDefaultDataStoreMacro")

/// Intended to be used on mutable properties with no body. This attribute relies on the type already attributed by ``UserDefaultDataStore(using:accessLevel:)`` and used on any mutable property with no body.
/// This attribute allows overriding the key and default value when storing in `UserDefaults`. By default, it uses variable name and the default value returned by `UserDefaults` for the specified type. Following shows an example of how this can be used with `@UserDefaultDataStore`:
/// ```swift
/// @UserDefaultDataStore
/// struct UserDefaultsStore {
/// @UserDefaultRecord(key: "isInitialLaunch", defaultValue: true)
/// var isFirstTimeLaunching: Bool
/// }
/// ```
/// is Expanded to:
/// ```swift
/// @UserDefaultDataStore
/// struct UserDefaultsStore {
/// @UserDefaultRecord(key: "isInitialLaunch", defaultValue: true)
/// var isFirstTimeLaunching: Bool
/// // START: Generated code for UserDefaultRecord
/// {
/// get {
/// userDefaults.bool(forKey: "isInitialLaunch")
/// }
/// set {
/// userDefaults.setValue(newValue, forKey: "isInitialLaunch")
/// }
/// }
/// // END: Generated code for UserDefaultRecord
/// // START: Generated code for UserDefaultDataStore
/// private let userDefaults: UserDefaults
/// public init(userDefaults: UserDefaults = .standard) {
/// self.userDefaults = userDefaults
/// // START: Generated code for UserDefaultRecord
/// userDefaults.register(defaults: ["isInitialLaunch": true])
/// // END: Generated code for UserDefaultRecord
/// }
/// // END: Generated code for UserDefaultDataStore
/// }
/// ```
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: Key to use for storing this variable. Defaults to the name of the variable
/// - defaultValue: Default value to use when the variable is not set. Defaults to what `UserDefaults` method returns for this type
public macro UserDefaultRecord<T>(key: String? = nil, defaultValue: T? = Void.self) = #externalMacro(module: "UserDefaultMacro", type: "UserDefaultRecordMacro")

/// This attribute can be used on any mutable property with no body. This attribute creates the computational body needed to store the value in `UserDefaults`.
/// Similar to ``UserDefaultRecord(key:defaultValue:)``, unless specified, it uses variable name as the key and no default value. `UserDefaults.standard` is the default storage unless defined as well. Following shows an example of how this can be used::
/// ```swift
/// extension UserDefaults {
/// static let test = UserDefaults(suiteName: "test")!
/// }
/// struct SomeEntity {
/// static let key = "customized_key"
/// @UserDefaultProperty(using: .test, key: Self.key, defaultValue: "Some default value")
/// var randomGeneratedString: String
/// }
/// ```
/// ```swift
/// /// extension UserDefaults {
/// static let test = UserDefaults(suiteName: "test")!
/// }
/// struct SomeEntity {
/// static let key = "customized_key"
/// @UserDefaultProperty(using: .test, key: Self.key, defaultValue: "Some default value")
/// var randomGeneratedString: String
/// // START: Generated by UserDefaultProperty
/// {
/// get {
/// UserDefaults.test.register(defaults: [Self.key: "Some default value"])
/// return UserDefaults.test.string(forKey: Self.key)!
/// }
/// set {
/// UserDefaults.test.setValue(newValue, forKey: Self.key)
/// }
/// }
/// // END: Generated by UserDefaultProperty
/// }
/// ```
/// - Parameters:
/// - using: Instance of `UserDefaults` to use. Defaults to `.standard`
/// - key: Key to use for storing this variable. Defaults to the name of the variable
/// - defaultValue: Default value to use when the variable is not set. Defaults to what `UserDefaults` method returns for this type
public macro UserDefaultProperty<T>(using userDefaults: UserDefaults = .standard, key: String? = nil, defaultValue: T? = Void.self) = #externalMacro(module: "UserDefaultMacro", type: "UserDefaultPropertyMacro")

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