LumaGL's primary focus is to provide a set of efficient and easy-to-use WebGL building blocks enabling high-performance browser-based data visualizations.
See Examples and Documentation.
Note LumaGL has just been made public. Documentation is still in the process of being updated to correspond with the latest API changes.
- Focused on data visualization. While generic in nature, LumaGL will prioritize features that enable efficient rendering of large sets of data or that support improved visualization techniques.
- Modular: a set of small collaborating classes that can used together with components from other frameworks (e.g. stackgl).
- No "magic" global state. All components work with a standard WebGLRenderingContext.
- A modern, compact codebase leveraging the latest JavaScript standards (ES6+)
- Use modern JavaScript build technologies (browserify/babel/npm etc).
LumaGL started as a fork of PhiloGL ( however no effort has been made to maintain compatibility with PhiloGL-based applications.
npm install --save comes with 16 lessons, a number of examples, and a full set of reference documenation.
To run examples:
git clone [email protected]:uber/
npm install
npm start
This builds the LumaGL bundle, starts a small local server, and opens a browser window on a welcome page, allowing you to run to all lessons and examples.
The following code sample illustrates the "flavor" of the LumaGL API.
import {createGLContext, Program, Buffer, PerspectiveCamera} from '';
// Initialize WebGL context
const canvas = document.getElementById('lesson01-canvas');
const gl = createGLContext(canvas, {initialize: true});
const camera = new PerspectiveCamera({aspect: canvas.width/canvas.height});
const program = Program.fromDefaultShaders(gl);
program.setBuffer(new Buffer(gl, {
attribute: 'aVertexPosition',
data: new Float32Array([0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0]),
size: 3
camera.view.$translate(-1.5, 0, -7);
program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.view);
program.setUniform('uPMatrix', camera.projection);
// Draw Triangle
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
Use npm start
to run the test server, it will start a watch and automatically update when you save modified source files.
Before publishing run
npm run prepublish
to generate the static bundles, the optional pretranspiled ES5 distribution, and the documention.
To run the static site generation, you need to install the jekyll
and pygments
ruby gems which can be done with the following command:
gem install jekyll pygments.rb
Once that's done, you can rebuild the static site using the following npm script:
npm run build-docs
This will create a folder called _site
in the root directory which contains all the static content for the site. To view the docs locally, you can also run jekyll as a standalone server with the command:
jekyll serve --source=docs/
npm run open-docs