Dalhousie University
- Halifax, Canada
- www.josephmalloch.com
malloch / libmapper
Forked from libmapper/libmapperA library for connecting things.
collection of OSC-related documents: specifications, proposals, white papers, references etc
This "toolbox" is a collection of Max abstractions that we have found useful in creating gesture processing patches for digital musical instruments. Each patch is accompanied by a help patch to dem…
malloch / influence
Forked from radarsat1/influenceA libmapper program providing a shader-driven "influence field" that external agents can connect to, move around in, and observe.
A libmapper program providing a shader-driven "influence field" that external agents can connect to, move around in, and observe.
malloch / libmapper-contrib
Forked from IDMIL/libmapper-contribUtilities and extra programs contributed by libmapper developers and users.
IDMIL / libmapper-contrib
Forked from radarsat1/libmapper-contribUtilities and extra programs contributed by libmapper developers and users.
malloch / hidapi
Forked from signal11/hidapiA Simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
This program is intended as a proof-of-concept to show that libmapper can be used in a centralized client-server-like mode if desired.
malloch / d3
Forked from d3/d3A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
malloch / qualia
Forked from sofian/qualiaA free (FLOSS) software library for embedded AVR agent-based systems written in simple C++. Licensed under the Gnu GPL.
A free (FLOSS) software library for agent-based systems written in simple C++. Licensed under the Gnu GPL.
malloch / emergeData
Forked from radarsat1/emergeDataData analysis for the emerge project.
An external object for sending and receiving Open Sound Control over multicast.
Extensions to the WiiRemoteFramework to support sending signals using libmapper. Forked from http://sourceforge.net/projects/darwiin-remote/
A MaxMSP/Puredata object providing structure for using implicit mapping schemes (e.g. machine learning) with libmapper.
MaxMSP and Puredata objects for libmapper devices
malloch / minibee
Forked from sensestage/minibeerepository for the minibee firmware/library
malloch / webmapper
Forked from libmapper/webmapperAn HTML5-based graphical interface to libmapper.
malloch / mapperRec
Forked from radarsat1/mapperRecRecording device for libmapper.
radarsat1 / webmapper
Forked from libmapper/webmapperAn HTML5-based graphical interface to libmapper.
The expression evaluator from libmapper made available as a standalone function.