Releases: malariagen/anospp-analysis
Releases · malariagen/anospp-analysis
Major update of anospp-analysis functionality:
- introduce anospp-agg compiling results from all steps
- refactor plasm, introduce contamination filering based on plate-well haplotype sharing
- qc stats now saved, new qc plots - well balance, plasm balance, sample-target plots disabled
- nn plots divided by plate, added colouring by contamination & Plasmodium species
- fixes in all components - error-free test runs on backlog
- test workflows for non-ANOSPP and non-Illumina data
- dev environment with jupyter
- linting
v0.2.0: Merge pull request #7 from malariagen/dev
Added plasm, nn, vae
v0.1.2: Merge pull request #5 from malariagen/dev_bioconda_upd
Work towards bioconda compatibility, introduce executables