2017.05.01, Version 0.3.2
Notable Changes
All environment varaibles are loaded from process.yml which requires pm2 to start
cookie are not required to access DMM game page and will not be not be injected to a request
No logging router requests.
Use pino logger over winston for better performance
] doc: update outdated configuration section
] doc: start the application in production mode
] fix(package): update pino to version 4.5.0
] chore(package): update async to version 2.4.0
] config: use default pm2 log dir
] config: remove LOGGER_ENABLE option
] config: fix can't config LOGGER_ENABLE and LOGGER_PRETTY
] src: no need to log http request
] src: replace winston logger with pino logger
] chore(package): update nyc to version 10.3.0
] src: refactor code to be es6 complient
] build: reduce docker image size
] chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.13.1
] build: start process.yml using production environment
] build: fix pm2-docker not found config file
] src: js class implementation in cookie injector
] src: remove injecting 'cklg' cookie
] build: 'gulp build' and 'gulp import' as default task
] src: replace sprintf-js with es6 string template
] dep: dev package should be in devDependencies
] npm,doc: 'npm start' will launch app using pm2
] chore(package): update mocha to version 3.3.0
] doc: remarks when running in development mode
] pm2,bin,test: load all app's envs from process.yml
] pm2,doc: prefer starting the app with pm2 yml config
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