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  • /quickshops
    • Opens the main PlayerShops GUI
  • /quickshops
    • Directly opens the shop of a player
    • Can be accessed with the shop listing GUI too

Admin Commands

  • /psadmin create
    • Creates shop for named player
  • /psadmin delete
    • Deletes shop of named player
  • /psadmin save
    • Saves shop of named player and ends edit mode
    • if the shop is in edit mode at the moment


Permissions are disabled by default (exception: admin commands). You can enable them by setting EnablePermissions: true in your config.yml.

    • Allows opening the main PlayerShops GUI
  • PlayerShops.create
    • Allows the creation of a shop
  • PlayerShops.buyslot
    • Allows buying additional slots
    • Allows renting a better shoplisting spot
  • PlayerShops.selecticon
    • Allows the selection of a shop icon
    • Requires ShopIcon.AllowIconSelection: true in your config.yml
  • PlayerShops.createSign
    • Allows creating playershop signs which link to the own shop
  • PlayerShops.createSign.other
    • Allows creating playershop signs which link to any player shop
  • PlayerShops.admin
    • Required for admin commands

Configuration File

# PlayerShops
# by Felix Neubauer
# Check out following page for more information:
#This is the currency which will be used. Supported are: "Money" (working with Vault), "Points" (check BossShopPro for more info) and "Exp".
PriceType: money
#If enabled players need specific permissions in order to create a shop, purchase additional slots, etc.
#If disabled anyone can create and handle their own shop. Note: Configurable permissions like the ones needed for a better shoplisting spot are enabled anyways.
EnablePermissions: false
#Shopcreation cost and the amount of slots users begin with.
  Price: 1000.0
  Slots: 9
#Delay in seconds which players need to wait between two shop edits (to prevent lag).
ShopEditDelay: '15'
#If enabled players will not be able to sell items if other plugins cancel the InventoryClickEvent on that item. That way players can be prevented from selling plugin items like a server selector or a rules book.
#This feature might be incompatible with other plugins which are not able to distinguish their own GUIs from PlayerShops GUIs and lead to players not being able to sell any item.
PreventSellingPluginItems: true
#Ability for players to increase their shop slot amount.
  Enabled: true
  #Price per purchase (this calculation makes the price increase every time)
  Price: '%playershops_slots_current% * 100 - 800'
  #Amount of slots per purchase
  Amount: 1
  #Total slot limit
  TotalLimit: 54
#If enabled players rent better spots in the shop listing
  Enabled: true
  #Price per rent. Players can pay rent multiple times at once. The money is added to a player renting balance.
  Price: '750'
  #One renting period. After every period some money is removed from the renting balance. Set this to -1 if you want players to always keep their renting balance.
  Period: '60*60*24*30'
  #This is the amount of money taken every renting period.
  PeriodDecrease: 750
  #If enabled players can increase their rent while already having a rented shop slot.
  AllowStacking: true
  #If enabled players with a higher renting balance will get a better listing spot.
  SortAfterRentAmount: true
  #The maximum amount of players to rent a featured shop slot at the same time. Set it to '-1' to disable it.
  PlayerLimit: 18
#Here you can define the order in which shops are listed. You can fill in permissions which players need in order to get a rank,
#or "renting" in order to define the rank players renting a listing spot will get.
#Players will always get the highest possible rank. If two players have the same rank and 'SortAfterRentAmount' is set to true the one with a higher rent balance will get the better spot.
#If players still have an equal rank their shop slot amount will decide who gets the first spot.
  - Permission.Sponsor
  - renting
  - Permission.Donator
  - Permission.Helper
  #Useful when having a huge amount of players: Will hide shops of offline players. Shops renting a better spot will be displayed even if the owner is offline.
  ListOnlinePlayerShopsOnly: false
#Taxes: Percentage which will be removed from the reward players will get. '1.00' = 100%.
Tax: 0.00
#Price limits to prevent items from being sold way below/above their worth
  Minimum: 1.00
  Maximum: 75000.00
# Sound:
# Sound sent to a player. Can be turned off by setting it to ''. Individual sound settings can be added to the configuration sections of your shops and shopitems, else they will inherit the sound settings of their parent.
# Formatting: <sound name>:<volume>:<pitch>. You can find all available sound names here:
  PlayerPurchasedFromYou: 'ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP:1:1.5'
#Shop icon settings (Icons used in shop listing GUI)
  #If enabled players are able to rename their shop
    Permission: ''
    SlotsNeeded: 18
  #If players meet the conditions they will be able to use color codes in their shop names
    Permission: 'PlayerShops.renamecolors'
    SlotsNeeded: 18
  #Currently heads need to reload every time the inventory is opened -> not recommended
  UsePlayerHeads: false
  #If enabled players are able to select an icon at their own
  AllowIconSelection: false
  #In case of 'AllowIconSelection: true' players can select an item of their inventory if they meet the given conditions
    Permission: ''
    SlotsNeeded: 54
  #A list of available icons, starting with the highest one. If 'AllowIconSelection: false' and playerheads are disabled, shops will automatically pick the highest available icon here.
  #In the 'Icon' section of every item you can define its look using all possible BossShopPro item data. Besides you can specify permission and shop slots requirements.
  #Giving an item a custom name or lore will override the default ShopIcon look defined in the messages.yml file.
      - type:TNT
      - 'name:&4&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: 'PlayerShops.Icon.TNT'
      SlotsNeeded: 0
      - type:OBSIDIAN
      - 'name:&4&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 54
      - type:DIAMOND_BLOCK
      - 'name:&1&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 48
      - type:GOLD_BLOCK
      - 'name:&6&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 42
      - type:IRON_BLOCK
      - 'name:&9&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 36
      - type:DIAMOND
      - 'name:&b&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 30
      - type:GOLD_INGOT
      - 'name:&e&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 24
      - type:IRON_INGOT
      - 'name:&8&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 21
      - type:COAL
      - 'name:&8&l%playershopname%'
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 18
      - type:COBBLESTONE
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 15
      - type:LOG
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 12
      - type:DIRT
      Permission: ''
      SlotsNeeded: 0
#Signs allow players to either directly open a playershop or the shop listing GUI by simply clicking them.
  Enabled: true
  PlayerShopText: '[PlayerShop]'
  ShopListingText: '[PlayerShops]'
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