This library makes it easier to use date in Noir.
In your Nargo.toml file, add the following dependency:
date = { tag = "main", git = "" }
Add this line to the top of your Noir file:
use dep::date::Date;
// December 19, 2023
let date = Date::new(2023, 12, 19);
// Or alternatively from a string following this format yyyyMMdd
let date = Date::from_str_long_year("20231219");
// Or even from a byte representation of a ASCII string
let date = Date::from_bytes_long_year([50, 48, 50, 51, 49, 50, 49, 57]);
let date1 = Date::new(2023, 10, 2);
let date2 = Date::new(2023, 12, 20);
// date2 - date1
let duration = date2.get_duration_in_days(date1, false);
assert(duration == 79);
let date = Date::new(2023, 10, 2);
let date = date.add_years(2);
assert(date.eq(Date::new(2025, 10, 2)));
let date = Date::new(2023, 10, 2);
let date = date.add_months(3);
assert(date.eq(Date::new(2024, 1, 2)));
let date = Date::new(2023, 10, 2);
let date = date.add_days(3);
assert(date.eq(Date::new(2023, 10, 5)));
let leap_year = Date::new(2024, 1, 1);
let not_leap_year = Date::new(2023, 1, 1);
let date1 = Date::new(2023, 10, 2);
let date2 = Date::new(2023, 12, 20);
let birthdate = Date::new(1993, 3, 6);
let current_date = Date::new(2023, 12, 20);
This library is still in development. At the moment, there is a known bug related to comparisons with negative and positive numbers that has been fixed in the version 0.22.0 of Noir. So please install the latest nightly version of Noir to use this library. If you find any other bugs, please report them in the issues section of this repository.