Welcome to the Xhprof integration package for buggregator in Laravel. This repository allows you to effortlessly enable Xhprof support for buggregator in your Laravel application.
Make sure that your server is configured with following PHP version and extensions:
- PHP 8.2+
- Laravel 10, 11 or 12
- XHProf ext or its fork longxinH/xhprof.
To get started, install the package via composer:
composer require --dev maantje/xhprof-buggregator-laravel
Set the buggregator endpoint in your environment file, the displayed value is the default value:
Toggle Xhprof in your environment file as needed, but remember to disable it when not in use to avoid performance impact
Alternatively, you can include the X-Xhprof-Enabled
header in your request to explicitly enable or disable profiling for that specific call. When this header is present, it takes precedence over the environment variable.
Enabled values: true
Disabled values: false
This feature works great with a browser extension like ModHeader. It lets you switch profiling on and off right from your browser.
By default, the profiler is turned on and off with each HTTP request. However, you may have other points where your\application starts. For example, it can be queues, commands, and so on.
In such cases, you can configure the profiler to run in the desired location yourself:
use SpiralPackages\Profiler\Profiler;
class RegisterUserActionJob
public function __construct(
public string $name,
public string $password
) {
* Get Profiler object from Container DI
* @param Profiler $profiler
* @return void
public function handle(Profiler $profiler): void
try {
// code for register new user
finally {
Add the buggregator service to your docker-compose file:
image: ghcr.io/buggregator/server:dev
- 8000:8000
- 1025:1025
- 9912:9912
- 9913:9913
- sail
Set the profiler endpoint in your environment file:
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.