Contains M5Stack-UNIT ENV & Hat ENV & UNIT BPS & UNIT CO2 series related case programs.
ENV is an environmental sensor with integrated SHT30 and QMP6988 internally to detect temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure data.
BPS is a barometer unit, which integrates the Bosch BMP280 pressure sensor to measure atmospheric pressure and estimate the altitude.
BPS(QMP6988) Unit is a barometer unit that uses QMP6988 barometric pressure sensor to measure atmospheric pressure and altitude estimation
CO2 is a photoacoustic Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Unit that will tell you the CO2 PPM (parts-per-million) composition of ambient air.
- Unit ENVIV - Document & Datasheet
- Unit ENVIII - Document & Datasheet
- Unit ENVII - Document & Datasheet
- Unit ENV - Document & Datasheet
- Hat ENVIII - Document & Datasheet
- Hat ENVII - Document & Datasheet
- Unit BPS - Document & Datasheet
- Unit BPS(QMP6988) - Document & Datasheet
- Unit CO2 - Document & Datasheet
Library for Unit ENV using M5UnitUnified.
M5UnitUnified is a library for unified handling of various M5 units products.
- Unit CO2 (SKU:U103)
- Unit CO2L (SKU:U104)
- Unit ENVIII (SKU:U001-C)
- Unit ENVIV (SKU:U001-D)
- Unit ENVPro (SKU:U169)
- Unit TVOC (SKU:U088)
TVOC/eCO2 mini Unit is a digital multi-pixel gas sensor unit with integrated SGP30.
It mainly measures various VOC (volatile organic compounds) and H2 in the air. It can be programmed to detect TVOC (total volatile organic compounds) and eCO2 (equivalent carbon dioxide reading)Concentration measurement.
Typical measurement accuracy is 15% within the measurement range, the SGP30 reading is internally calibrated and output, which can maintain long-term stability. SGP30 uses I2C protocol communication with on-chip humidity compensation function, which can be turned on through an external humidity sensor.
If you need to obtain accurate results, you need to calibrate according to a known measurement source. SGP30 has a built-in calibration function. In addition, eCO2 is calculated based on the concentration of H2 and cannot completely replace "true" CO2 sensors for laboratory use.
See also examples using conventional methods here.
#include <M5UnitUnifiedENV.h> // For UnitUnified
//#include <M5UnitENV.h> // When using M5UnitUnified, do not use it at the same time as conventional libraries
Supported units will be added in the future.
The Bosch library is required by ENVPro to obtain values that cannot be obtained without using the Bosch library.
- Bosch-BME68x-Library
- Bosch-BSEC2-Library (Excluding NanoC6)
See also examples/UnitUnified
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