Library for easy usage of Roughtime protocol on Android (with Rx). This is based on Java library Nearenough by int08h - kudos!
Observable.fromCallable {
{ result ->
val midpoint = result.first
val radiousOfUncertanity = result.second
val localTimeDiffMilliseconds = result.third
val localTimeDiffSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(result.third)
//Use result for something
Timber.d("Result from server, midpoint: $midpoint, radius(ms): $radiousOfUncertanity, localDiff (ms): $localTimeDiffMilliseconds")
Use, with Gradle:
implementation 'com.github.tajchert:securetime:0.0.1'
Add Jitpack in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
- Secured - responses are signed by server, contains nonce send by client.
- Scalable - much better handling on backend (signing and batches), compact payload of network packages.
- Doesn't allow amplification of DDOS attacts.
- It is not millisecond accurate - accuracy is around 1 second.
Much more details on Roughtime
App is hooked to
, second known running server is
Base64 = gD63hSj3ScS+wuOeGrubXlq35N1c5Lby/S+T7MNTjxo=
hex = 803eb78528f749c4bec2e39e1abb9b5e5ab7e4dd5ce4b6f2fd2f93ecc3538f1a
Base64 = AW5uAoTSTDfG5NfY1bTh08GUnOqlRb+HVhbJ3ODJvsE=
hex = 016e6e0284d24c37c6e4d7d8d5b4e1d3c1949ceaa545bf875616c9dce0c9bec1
Some requests fail to get response in 5 sec. timeframe. Extending it doesn't seem to solve problem - might be a server issue as it seems to be random and results in Timeout.
- Separate Rx extension to separate library module
- Retry mechanism
- Allow using multiple servers on one
- Utilize same interface as TrueTime library to allow for easy switch.
- In sample app allow for server picker (Cloudflare/int08h) or both servers
- Debug issue with requests that are not served in 5-10 seconds window.