- Automatically work on computer
- Script base
- WPF for ui design
- re
- time
- pyautogui
- pyperclick
- os (flush CLI, Path)
- dotnet environment (Optional, can simply use demo.py)
<CMD> <sec or space>;
- commands for interpreter
- pause
- gain_mouse_l
- loop to sequential gain mouse position
- as an auxiliary tools for mouse cmd
- gain_mouse
- gain_string
<CMD> <x>, <y>;
- commands for mouse function
- Must provide X, Y.
- click
- move_to
<press_CMD> <key or specific word>
press enter;
keydown backspace;
keyup backspace;
- specific word: 'enter', 'ctrl'
- press
- keydown
- keyup
- hotkey: for combinational key press
hotkey <key1> <key2> # ex hotkey ctrl, c;
- write: for input on keyboard
write meg=<messages>; # ex write meg=Hello World!!!;
- if want to input several lines, leave empty on meg, then a function will be executed to accept the article.
- Choose Mode:
- Simple Type
- Read Script
- Basic use of auto click and input
- Type to specified position
- can set loop **times, interval, character** between loop.
- Full process
- Specified -> Input Message -> Type
- Type with current settings
- Change Settings
- Show settings
- Save current settings
- default file name: setting.txt
- Load formor settings
- Back.
- Read Script File
- Default script name (autoScript.txt)
- Enter script name
- Show avalible
- show avalible files in current directory
- Back.
- Complete a simple intepreter, which can deal with commands about mouse action and keyboard action.
- Change repository name: AutoTypeToScreen -> Auto-Operation-on-Computer
- Update detailed README
- Add MVC for gui
- M: libs.translator
- V: autoViewer.csproj
- C: autoController.py
- with WPF
- reformat README
- scheduled date: 2021.8.21
- Will be able to record the actions
- can afford complex work
- Complete: 2021.8.22
- scheduled date: 2021.8.22
- Will support loop in scripts
- scheduled date: 2021.8.22
- will support mouse drag
- scheduled date: 2021.8.22
- Problem:
- when using repr(), colon wont be specified by re expression
- using temp solution -> call handler function (read_message())
- Expected Solution
- Optimized re exp.