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Controller Configs

lythx edited this page Nov 7, 2022 · 10 revisions



  • localRecordsLimit - Local records limit for rank calculation and plugins
  • chatMessagesInRuntime - Amount of chat messages stored in runtime memory
  • jukeboxQueueSize - Amount of maps in the controller map queue
  • jukeboxHistorySize - Amount of maps kept in the map history
  • defaultTMXSearchLimit - Default amount of maps fetched from the TMX search API
  • privileges - Privilege levels for each of the administrative actions (e.g. ban, mute, etc.)
  • blacklistFile - Relative path (/GameData/Config/) to the blacklist file
  • guestlistFile - Relative path (/GameData/Config/) to the guestlist file
  • matchSettingsFile - Relative path (/GameData/Tracks/) to the matchsettings file
  • defaultReasonMessage - Default message sent as the reason for administrative actions if nothing was specified by the admin
  • truthyParams - Things that will be interpreted as true for the boolean command parameter
  • falsyParams - Things that will be interpreted as false for the boolean command parameter
  • nicknameToLoginSimilarityGoal - Represents minimal similarity value at which translation will be successful
  • nicknameToLoginMinimumDifferenceBetweenMatches - Represents minimal similarity difference between best and second-best match at which translation will be successful
  • version - Current controller version


  • noPermission - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command he does not have the permission for
  • noParam - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command without an obligatory parameter
  • invalidValue - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command while supplying the wrong value for a parameter
  • notInt - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command while supplying the wrong type for the int parameter
  • notDouble - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command while supplying the wrong type for the double parameter
  • notBoolean- Message sent to the player attempting to use a command while supplying the wrong type for the boolean parameter
  • notTime - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command while supplying the wrong type for the time parameter
  • timeTooBig - Message sent to the player attempting to use a command while supplying an out-of-range value for the time parameter
  • noPlayer - Message sent to the player if the specified login is not found in the runtime
  • unknownPlayer - Message sent to the player if the specified login is not found in the database


  • palette - Controller messages palette object
  • prefixes.serverToPlayer - Characters with which every message sent to individual players will be prefixed (e.g. ChatSendServerMessageToLogin)
  • prefixes.serverToAll - Characters with which every message sent in public will be prefixed (e.g. ChatSendServerMessage)


  • titles.logins - Pairs of login and title where the title is assigned to the specified login
  • titles.countries - Pairs of country and title where the title is assigned to every player from the specified country (country codes work too)
  • titles.privileges - Pairs of privilege and title where the title is assigned to every player with the specified privilege level
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