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Variaprint web-to-print PDF personalization and ordering system


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Web-to-print PDF personalization and ordering system

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#Order Site

File Description
_aopreviews: Holds order files for approve order system
_cartpreviews: Holds order files for the customer previews
_orderpdfs: Holds the files once orders are placed
_sites: Holds the images for each site
_users: Holds the fonts for each admin user

Note: The 5 directories above must be write-enabled. They hold files for their respective functions.

Files in “root” directory:

File Description
aa.php Used for approving accounts for sites that require user accounts to be approved before granting access.
aa_send.php Sends the message from aa.php
ao.php Approve order. The main
applyforpo.php Screen for a user to apply for a PO account if that form of payment is available.
cropMe.swf The crop tool that allows a user to zoom in and select the area of the image that they want to use.
custimg.php Allows a user to upload, select, and crop a custom image for an image field on an item.
help-csc.html Explains what the CSC code is on the back of a credit card.
icon.php Resizes and diplays an image as an icon.
imglib.php Image library. Used for selecting library(s) of images for an image field on an item.
inactive.html The page that is shown if an inactive site is accessed.
itemdetail.php Displays the popup window with the detail for an item in the catalog.
itemhelp.php Displays the help text associated with a particular item field.
itempreview.php Popup window that displays the item preview on the cart page.
loadcropimg.php Resizes and loads a JPEG into the crop tool interface.
orderitem_file.php Loads a JPEG or PDF order file.
print_invoice.php Formats a printable invoice.
vp.php The main file that is accessed on the browser address bar. Works as a http request director to call the appropriate action and page.

Files in “actions” directory:

File Description
addtocart.php Adds an item to the cart if it is non-custom. Otherwise, it sends them to the input options_page which will throw the user to the main input page if there are no prefill input options for the selected item.
approve.php Approves an item in the cart if the site is set to require approval of previews. Sends the user back to the preview page if the approval initials field is blank. Otherwise, it sends them to the catalog.
cancelorder.php A user may cancel an order from their account page if the order hasn’t been sent into production yet.
checkout.php Sets the page to the checkout page.
confirmorder.php Finalizes an order, removes it from the cart table and copies the print files from the _cartpreviews directory to the _orderpdfs directory.
continuesavedorder.php Allows a user start where they left off on an order by logging into their account page.
create_account.php Creates a user account. Verifies that the account doesn’t already exist and that the passwords match and are at least 6 characters long.
deletefromcart.php Removes an item from the user’s cart.
edititem.php Allows a user to make changes to an item that’s in their cart.
gotocart.php Goes to the cart page.
input.php Saves the input options if there are any input options from the previous page (adds the item to the cart if need be) and goes on to the main input page.
login.php Verifies a user’s login and logs them in or gives an appropriate error message if they could not be logged in.
logout.php Logs the user out.
modifyorderitem.php Allows a user to modify an item that has already been ordered if it is not in production.
preconfirmorder.php Validates the info from the main checkout page to make sure it has been filled out where required and contains valid info (LUHC for credit cards, and non-empty fields where required)
removeorderitem.php Allows a user to delete an item from an order after the order has been placed.
reorder.php Allows a user to place the items from a previous order in their cart so they can approve, modify and re-order the same items.
resetpassword.php Puts a random password in the user’s account and sends them an email that allows them to reset their password.
restoreorderitem.php Undeletes a deleted item from an order.
save_and_preview.php Inserts the item into the cart and calls the preview function to generate a PDF and JPEG preview for the user.
skiplogin.php Allows the user to skip the login if the site allows it.
update_and_preview.php Updates the item’s personalization info in the cart and calls the preview function to generate a PDF and JPEG preview for the user.
updatecostqty.php Updates the cost and quantity for an item in the cart.
** updatepassword.php** Updates the user’s password after they have reset it.

Files in “images” directory:

btn-choose.gif btn-delete.gif dot-gray.gif dot-litegray.gif help-csc.gif spacer.gif testmode.gif unknowfiletype.gif unknownfiletype.jpg vplogo-small.gif vplogo_small.gif

Files in “inc” directory:

File Description
check-login.php Code that checks to validate whether a user is logged in or not.
config.php The main configuration file for the system.
encrypt.php Encryption and credit card validation functions
functions-global.php The general functions used through the whole system.
functions.php Functions specific to the order site system.
functions_pdf.php The functions that comprise the main engine of the PDF rendering engine.
iface.php Interface functions.
image.class.php Class used for the image cropping / resizing tool.
pfpro.php PayFlow Pro™ credit card processing functions.
popup-header.php General functions used in popup windows.
session.php Functions for managing the PHP SESSION.
style_sheet.php Puts a site's style sheet into the page.

Files in “pages” directory:

Directory/System File Description
account: action.php Checks to make sure the user is logged in and code to save account settings.
page.php Creates an account page to display to the user.
cart: page.php Creates the cart page.
catalog: action.php
checkout: action.php Checks to make sure the user is logged in.
page.php Creates the checkout page.
confirmorder: page.php Displays the confirm order (pre-invoice) page.
home: page.php The homepage.
input: action.php Checks to make sure the user is logged in and that the input page is a valid place to go.
page.php Creates the input page to display to the user.
input_options: action.php Checks to make sure the user is logged in and that the input_options page is a valid place to go.
page.php Creates and displays the input options page.
login: page.php The login page.
preconfirmorder: page.php Displays the invoice for user approval.
preview: action.php Makes sure that the item hasn’t been deleted from the cart before proceeding.
page.php Displays the preview page with the JPEG image and optional PDF image and approval message.
preview_gen: action.php Empty at this point.
page.php Displays the “Generating preview screen…” and calls the pdf_create()and pdf_rasterize() methods to generate the previews.
resetpswd: page.php The page where a user requests to reset their password.
up: page.php The page where a user is sent a link to with a special code that let’s them reset their password.

#Admin Site

The admin/tmp directory must be set to writable. This is where self-deleting invoices are stored when being downloaded through the order download screen.

Files in root “admin” directory:

File Description
account_edit.php Edit admin user’s account info and password.
add_manager.php Add a manager to a site and edit their permission access level.
approval_managers.php Not used.
color_picker.php Pick a web-safe hex color for a site appearance property.
create_account.php Functions that create a new admin user account.
createaccount.php Screen to create a new admin user account.
delete_site.php Set’s a site’s status to deleted in the database.
docket.php Displays a docket from an imposed print job.
docket_change_status.php Changes the status of a docket.
download_file.php Downloads a file.
edit_coupons.php Set’s up the discount coupons for use on the cart page of an order site.
edit_font_style.php Edit the CSS of a particular style on the order site.
edit_tax_tables.php Edit the state or province names and abbreviations to charge tax.
file_manager.php The main frameset for the file manager.
file_manager.swf The file manager that displays the files and allows them to be selected.
file_manager_files.php Contains functions that the SWF calls to show the file list and delete files.
file_manager_flash.php Contains the SWF file manager that displays files from a particular directory.
file_manager_menu.php The top bar of the file manager
file_upload.php Uploads a file into the file manager.
finishorder.php Completes an order and sends the transaction through PFP.
forgotpswd.php Resets an admin user’s profile
howtolink.php Show’s a link that can be used to link to the order site.
image_library.php Image library frameset.
image_library_files.php Displays images from the selected image library.
image_library_menu.php Top bar of the image library.
imposition.php Creates an imposition of the files that are passed as form variables.
index.php The login page.
item_inventory.php Sets up the inventory handling for a particular item.
item_new.php Creates a new item.
loadfile.php Loads a PDF or raster file as a low res JPEG.
manageraccounts.swf Interface to edit manager permissions.
notice_options.php Set the notification options for the owner of the current site.
order_download_docket.php Shows the docket from the “Impose” screen in the manager.
order_download_invoice.php Downloads invoices for the selected orders as one of three options.
order_impose.php Interface screens to select the imposition and imposition delivery set up. Creates the docket as the last step.
payflow.php Sets up the VeriSign® PayFlow Pro™ options.
pdfwrapper.php An experiment to embed an image as a URL in a PDF file that can be downloaded at the time the PDF is viewed. Creates a very small PDF file but can take some time to render. Never used for production.
reportbug.php Links to GitHub repository.
resetpswd.php Screen that an admin user is sent to to enter a new password once they have reset their password.
sendAndLoad_mngrpermissions.php File that the manageraccounts.swf file connects to in order to read and write the data to the database.
sendAndLoad_shipaddr.php File that the shipping_address_list.swf file connects to in order to read and write the data to the database.
sendmessage.php Sends a message regarding an order to the person who placed the order.
shipping_address_list.php Page that encapsulates the shipping_address_list.swf file.
shipping_address_list.swf Interface screen to edit the list of addresses that users can select from to populate the shipping information on the checkout page of an order site.
site_edit_name.php Edit the name of a site.
site_edit_status.php Edit the status of a site.
site_new.php Create a new site.
site_save_config.php When leaving a screen with unsaved changes in the Site tab, this page will open in a popup window allowing those changes to be saved. Popup blocking must be off for this to work.
style.css The CSS style sheet for the manager site.
vp.php The main file of the admin site. Works as a traffic controller calling the appropriate action and page files.

Files in “admin/actions” directory:

File Description
home.php The homepage of the manager system.
item_list.php Shows a list of items.
login.php The action that logs an admin user in to the manager.
logout.php Logs an admin user out of the manager.
order_list_approval.php Shows an approval screen similar to the non-admin screen shown with ao.php
order_list_imp_hist.php Shows a history of imposition and docket files that have been created.
order_list_impose.php Shows items that are ready to be imposed so they can be selected and imposed.
order_search_dockets.php Searches for and displays a search results page of items imposed with a particular docket.
order_search_results.php The search results action.
order_view.php The search options selection screen.
site_appearance.php Reads the xml/site_appearance.xml file to allow options for the site appearance to be selected and saved.
site_open.php Make a different site active in the admin control panel.
site_settings.php Reads the xml/site_settings.xml file to layout tabbed edit screens for changing the open site’s settings.
users_list_browse_manager.php Shows a list of order site managers.
users_list_poapprove.php Approves or denies users who have requested a PO account.

Image files in “admin/images” directory: bkg-groove.gif bkg-menu.gif blue-dot.gif btn-approve-off.gif btn-approve-on.gif btn-big-go.gif btn-browse_orders-off.gif btn-browse_orders-on.gif btn-browse_users-off.gif btn-browse_users-on.gif btn-change_site.gif btn-impose-off.gif btn-impose-on.gif btn-items-disabled.gif btn-items-off.gif btn-items-on.gif btn-move.gif btn-po_approve-off.gif btn-po_approve-on.gif btn-site-disabled.gif btn-site-off.gif btn-site-on.gif btn-users-disabled.gif btn-users-off.gif btn-users-on.gif collapse-down.gif collapse-up.gif colorpicker.gif createaccount-loginlink.gif createaccount-title.gif createyourown.gif dot-liteblue.gif fields.gif filemanager-top-bkg.gif firstsite-message.gif forgotpswd.gif home-welcome.gif icon-add.gif icon-bug.gif icon-cont_help.gif icon-delete.gif icon-help-on.gif icon-help.gif icon-imposition-on.gif icon-imposition.gif icon-input.gif icon-items.gif icon-pdfsmall.gif icon-pricing-on.gif icon-pricing.gif icon-rastersmall.gif icon-shipping-on.gif icon-shipping.gif icon-site.gif icon-sitenew.gif icon-siteopen.gif icon-supplier-on.gif icon-supplier.gif icon-template-on.gif icon-template.gif icon-users.gif icon_fl.gif intro-bottom.gif intro-top.gif login-bottomleft.gif login-bottomright.gif login-button.gif login-lbl-password.gif login-lbl-username.gif login-newaccount.gif login-title.gif login-topleft.gif login-topright.gif menu-bkg.gif menu-end-left.gif menu-end.gif menu-spacer.gif overview.gif progress-anim.gif progress.gif sidebar.gif sort-down.gif sort-up.gif spacer.gif tab-bkg.gif tab-extender.gif tab-group-off.gif tab-group-on.gif tab-help-off.gif tab-help-on.gif tab-imposition-off.gif tab-imposition-on.gif tab-input-off.gif tab-input-on.gif tab-name-off.gif tab-name-on.gif tab-off_left.gif tab-off_middle.gif tab-off_right.gif tab-on_left.gif tab-on_middle.gif tab-on_right.gif tab-prefill-off.gif tab-prefill-on.gif tab-pricing-off.gif tab-pricing-on.gif tab-right-end.gif tab-shipping-off.gif tab-shipping-on.gif tab-supplier-off.gif tab-supplier-on.gif tab-template-off.gif tab-template-on.gif title-forgotpswd.gif title-resetpswd.gif tutorial-bkg.gif vp-logo.gif

Files in “admin/inc” directory:

File Description
functions.php General functions relating the manager system.
iface.php Interface functions for the manager system.
popup_log_check.php Checks to make sure that a user has access to the popup window that they’re trying to access.
session.php Session related functions.

Files in “admin/itemeditors” directory:

File Description
addfont.php Upload and install a Unix Type 1 font for use in the template editor.
detect.swf Detects if version 6+ Flash Player is installed.
get_flash.html Page that browser is sent to if Flash 6+ is not detected.
item_properties.swf Used to edit the item properties.
item_template_editor.php Encapsulates the template editor SWF file.
menu.swf The menu to select between the template editor and the item properties screens.
preview_template.php Previews the item template from the template editor.
sendAndLoad_allData.php Sends all the data to the template editor for an item and handles the saving of an template file and it’s input options into the database.
sendAndLoad_item_properties.php Reads and writes item properties from the item_properties.swf file.
variaprint.swf The template editor.

Files in “admin/itempreseteditors” directory:

File Description
item_presets_editor.php Main frameset for the preset editors
item_presets_imposition.php This is where imposition “templates” are created. The layout is defined here to determine how the items will be positioned on the imposed page.
item_presets_pricing.php Pricing presets can be created so that it’s easy to maintain and apply pricing to new items.
item_presets_shipping.php All shipping costs for different locations and weights are set up here.
item_ps_editor_menu.php The menu for the preset editors.
sendAndLoad_shipping.php Reads and writes shipping profile information through the shipping.swf file.
shipping.swf The shipping setup interface.

Files in “admin/xml” directory:

File Description
site_appearance.xml XML file that defines the options and structure for the site appearance properties in the Site > Appearance section of the manager.
site_settings.xml XML file that defines the options and structure for the site settings in the Site > Settings section of the manager.


Variaprint web-to-print PDF personalization and ordering system







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