A framework for developing applications with the least boiler plate code possible through a reactive, functional-driven architecture.
According to Wikipedia "There is no single definition for microservices" therefore is not easy to find a concrete sentence that fits all use cases, however we can all agree that usually it stands for a independent deployable unit.
The idea behind these little fellows is to respect the Single Responsability Principle no matter what. They should have one and only one job in the system.
Flow.Reactive already provides a complete set of the most NanoServices types used in an application (more on that below) but you are free to create your own.
Flow.Reactive considers 2 types of Streams that live inside a MicroService: QueryableStreams and EventStreams, both can be either Public - accessible to all other MicroServices and to other application components (PresentationLayer for instance) or Private - accessible only by the NanoServices of that MicroService
A stream of this type contains always an initial value - under the hood is nothing more than a Rx BehaviorSubject
The value can only be changed due to a NanoService data transformation
Unlike the QueryableStream, the EventStream does not have an initial value, it represents something that happened (for instance: a system notification, a command that was sent, etc.)
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