Remote Work
- Latin America
- https://luixaviles.com/
- @luixaviles
- in/luixaviles
web-image-editor Public
A web image editor based on Web Components using Lit and TypeScript
oruga Public
Forked from oruga-ui/oruga🐛 Oruga is a lightweight library of UI components without any CSS framework dependency
Vue MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2024 -
gemini-angular-nestjs Public
A fullstack web application implemented using Angular, NestJS and the Gemini API
chatbot-angular-palm Public
A Chatbot application implemented using Angular and PaLM API
angular-lit-web-components Public
A project example to integrate Web Components using Lit and Angular
socket-io-typescript-chat Public
A chat application implemented using Socket.io, TypeScript, Angular and Angular Material components
virtual-scroll-paged-api Public
A real-world demo using Virtual Scroll, RxJS, paged APIs, and Angular
An Angular application based on standalone components
web-speech-angular Public
A Web Application that implements Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis using Web APIs, Angular, TypeScript, RxJS, and Angular Material
edteam-especialidad-angular Public
Especialidad Frontend con Angular
ng-india-demo Public
Ng-India Conference Demo - Web Components using Lit and Angular
A BreakpointObserver example using Angular
slideshow-angular-swiper Public
A slideshow app using Angular and Swiper
angular-update-title Public
An Angular Application that implements a custom Title Service to update the title based on router changes
mm-jsr Public
Forked from soanvig/mm-jsrRange input solution without dependencies
demo-bit-angular-lit Public
A SPA importing Bit components written in Lit
demo-bit-angular-workspace Public
POC about using Bit and Angular workspaces
Angular demo for Sorting items through Angular CDK(Drag and Drop) and a mixed-orientation layout.
litelement-website Public
A Single Page Application(SPA) based on Web Components using LitElement and TypeScript
cors-proxy-server-koa Public
Solving the CORS issue using a Proxy Server with Koa
spa-heremaps-lit Public
A Single-Page Applications using HERE Maps API, Lit for Web Components and TypeScript
event-bus-typescript Public
An Event Bus implementation in TypeScript
edteam-curso-typescript Public
EDteam - Curso: TypeScript desde Cero
angular-upload-images-demo Public
An Angular demo to enable upload images and render them in the browser through a Drag and Drop directive.
angular-youtube-player-demo Public
An Angular Application using the YouTube video player