We have uploaded our "complete.csv" file onto Google Drive as when we git clone our repo, we only get a pointer to where it is stored because of its large file size. (~309mb) Github allows us only upto 100mb.
We have various data cleaning python files:
- to consolidate the test data into 1 file (output.txt in folder 'all')
- converts all our comma seperated .txt files into a .csv files. This has been used to generate all our final usable datasets.
We have scraped bonus and splits data using Beautiful soup. (scrapebonuses.ipynb, stockSplitParser.ipynb)
Code to be run:
Change the path to the respective path on your system. This location must contain all the respective csv files in said format.
final_DA_Workspace.RData is the corresponding workspace with a fresh copy of the data from complete.csv, in case there is an issue in loading the dataset. (Please don't run the chunk of code which has read.csv(complete.csv))