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lucjon edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 1 revision

The versus demo lets you compare head-to-head reputation over all the StackExchange sites. It does give you a big advantage: it only counts sites you have joined, and you win if its a tie (just to simplify the code).

Two StackOverflow user ID’s are specified on the command-line, and reputations are totalled up:

lucas@ubuntu:~/projects/py-stackexchange$ demo/ 41981 1
Game Developers: Lucas Jones wins (+0)
Gaming: Jeff Atwood wins (+61)
Gaming Meta: Jeff Atwood wins (+61)
Meta Stack Overflow: Jeff Atwood wins (+84117)
Server Fault: Jeff Atwood wins (+2982)
Stack Apps: Lucas Jones wins (+149)
Stack Overflow: Jeff Atwood wins (+7795)
Super User: Jeff Atwood wins (+2615)
TeX - LaTeX: Lucas Jones wins (+0)
Overall: Jeff Atwood wins (+97482)
Game Developers: Lucas Jones wins (+101)
Gaming: Lucas Jones wins (+309)
Gaming Meta: Lucas Jones wins (+309)
Meta Stack Overflow: Jon Skeet wins (+34287)
Server Fault: Jon Skeet wins (+1131)
Stack Apps: Lucas Jones wins (+340)
Stack Overflow: Jon Skeet wins (+199845)
Super User: Jon Skeet wins (+2402)
TeX - LaTeX: Lucas Jones wins (+101)
Overall: Jon Skeet wins (+236505)

If Jon Skeet wasn’t on SO, I’d be beating him. Oh, well.

lucas@ubuntu:~/projects/py-stackexchange$ demo/ 41981 274317
Game Developers: Lucas Jones wins (+101)
Gaming: Lucas Jones wins (+309)
Gaming Meta: Lucas Jones wins (+309)
Meta Stack Overflow: Lucas Jones wins (+258)
Server Fault: Lucas Jones wins (+378)
Stack Apps: Lucas Jones wins (+441)
Stack Overflow: Lucas Jones wins (+6336)
Super User: Lucas Jones wins (+606)
TeX - LaTeX: Lucas Jones wins (+101)
Overall: Lucas Jones wins (+8839)

I suppose it’s kind of cheating if I pick the person last on the users list. Then again, maybe not. (Incidentally, that seems to be a good way to see your total rep, and it broken down.)

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