Fractor is a quick and handy all-in-one desktop app for calculations, unit convertions and any quick tools you need within reach quickly
Download the latest release and install the .exe
You can customize your prefferences in the app's settings page. More information can be found in the wiki.
Once you've found an issue you'd like to work on, please follow these steps to make your contribution:
Comment on it and say you're working on that issue. This is to avoid conflicts with others also working on the issue.
Write your code and submit your pull request. Be sure to read and follow our pull request guidelines!
Wait for code review and address any issues raised as soon as you can.
A note on collaboration: We encourage people to collaborate as much as possible. We especially appreciate contributors reviewing each others pull requests, as long as you are kind and constructive when you do so.
Follow the official microsoft guidelines for unit testing: