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lrnv committed Oct 27, 2023
1 parent d32387c commit 9c26381
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Showing 3 changed files with 90 additions and 159 deletions.
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,19 +5,16 @@ version = "0.0.1"

Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Expectations = "2fe49d83-0758-5602-8f54-1f90ad0d522b"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
Roots = "f2b01f46-fcfa-551c-844a-d8ac1e96c665"
SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
TaylorSeries = "6aa5eb33-94cf-58f4-a9d0-e4b2c4fc25ea"

julia = "1"

SpecialFunctions = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
TestItemRunner = "f8b46487-2199-4994-9208-9a1283c18c0a"

test = ["Test", "TestItemRunner"]
test = ["Test", "TestItemRunner", "SpecialFunctions"]
49 changes: 24 additions & 25 deletions src/WilliamsonTransform.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
module WilliamsonTransform

import Distributions
import Expectations
import TaylorSeries
import Base.minimum
import SpecialFunctions
import Roots
import StatsBase

export 𝒲, 𝒲₋₁

Expand All @@ -28,25 +24,24 @@ For a univariate non-negative random variable ``X`` for distribution function ``
𝒲_{X,d}(x) = \\int_{x}^{\\infty} \\left(1 - \\frac{x}{t}\\right)^{d-1} dF(t) = \\mathbb E\\left( (1 - \\frac{x}{X})^{d-1}_+\\right) \\mathbb 1_{x > 0} + \\left(1 - F(0)\\right)\\mathbb 1_{x <0}
struct 𝒲{TX,TE}
struct 𝒲{TX}
# E::TE
function 𝒲(X::TX,d) where TX<:Distributions.UnivariateDistribution
# S = support(X)
# @assert ≥ 0 && S.ub ≤ Inf # check that X is indeed non-negative.
# @assert d ≥ 2 && isinteger(d) # check that d is an integer greater than 2.
E = Expectations.expectation(X)
return new{typeof(X),typeof(E)}(X,d,E)
@assert minimum(X) 0 && maximum(X) Inf
@assert d 2 && isinteger(d)
return new{typeof(X)}(X,d)

if x <= 0
return 1 - Distributions.cdf.X,0)
return Distributions.expectation(y -> (1 - x/y)^.d-1) * (y > x), ϕ.X)
# We need to compute the expectation of (1 - x/X)^{d-1}
return ϕ.E(y -> (y > x) * (1 - x/y)^.d-1))
# return ϕ.E(y -> (y > x) * (1 - x/y)^(ϕ.d-1))

Expand All @@ -69,28 +64,32 @@ The cumulative distribution function of this random variable is given by:
𝒲₋₁(X,d)(x) = 1 - \\frac{(-x)^{d-1} \\phi_+^{(d-1)}(x)}{k!} - \\sum_{k=0}^{d-2} \\frac{(-x)^k \\phi^{(k)}(x)}{k!}
struct 𝒲₋₁{Tϕ,Tϕt} <: Distributions.ContinuousUnivariateDistribution
function taylor(f, x, d, T)
return f(x + TaylorSeries.Taylor1(T,d)).coeffs
struct 𝒲₋₁{Tϕ} <: Distributions.ContinuousUnivariateDistribution
function 𝒲₋₁(ϕ,d)
return new{typeof(ϕ),typeof(ϕ_taylor)}(ϕ,d,ϕ_taylor)
@assert ϕ(0) == 1
@assert ϕ(Inf) == 0
# And assertion about d-monotony... how can this be check ? this is hard.
return new{typeof(ϕ)}(ϕ,d)
function Distributions.cdf(d::𝒲₋₁, x::Real)
rez = one(x)
t_taylor = TaylorSeries.Taylor1(Float64,d.d)
ϕ_taylor = d.ϕ(x + t_taylor).coeffs
ϕ_taylor[end] = max(ϕ_taylor[end], 0)
for k in 1:(d.d-1)
rez -= (-1)^k * x^k * ϕ_taylor[k+1]
rez = zero(x)
c_ϕ = taylor(d.ϕ, x, d.d, typeof(x))
c_ϕ[end] = max(c_ϕ[end], 0)
for k in 0:(d.d-1)
rez += (-1)^k * x^k * c_ϕ[k+1]
return rez
return 1-rez
function Distributions.logpdf(d::𝒲₋₁, x::Real)
t_taylor = TaylorSeries.Taylor1(Float64,d.d+1)
ϕ_d = d.ϕ(x + t_taylor).coeffs[end]
return (d.d-1)*log(x) + log(ϕ_d) - sum(log.(1:(d.d-1)))

ϕ_d = taylor(d.ϕ, x, d.d+1, typeof(x))[end]
r = (d.d-1)*log(x) - sum(log.(1:(d.d-1)))
return log(ϕ_d) + r
function Distributions.rand(rng::Distributions.AbstractRNG, d::𝒲₋₁)
u = rand(rng)
Expand Down
193 changes: 64 additions & 129 deletions test/testing_the_paper.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,136 +1,71 @@
@testitem "Exemple 2.1" begin
@testitem "Exemple 2.1 - WCopula, dimension 2" begin
using Distributions
ϕ = 𝒲(Dirac(1),d)
generator_ex2_2(x) = max((1-x)^(d-1),0)
@test all(ϕ(x) generator_ex2_2(x) for x in 0:0.01:10)
X = Dirac(1)
ϕ(x, d) = max((1-x)^(d-1),zero(x))
Xhat = 𝒲₋₁(x -> ϕ(x,d),d)
ϕhat = 𝒲(X,d)

@test maximum(abs.([cdf(X,x) - cdf(Xhat,x) for x in 0:0.01:10*d])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))
@test maximum(abs.([ϕ(x, d) - ϕhat(x) for x in 0:0.01:10])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))

@testitem "Exemple 3.2" begin
@testitem "Exemple 3.2 - IndependantCopula, dimension 10" begin
using Distributions
ϕ = 𝒲(Erlang(10),d)
gen_indep(x) = exp(-x)
@test maximum(abs.([ϕ(x) - gen_indep(x) for x in 0:0.01:10])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))
# @test all(ϕ(x) ≈ gen_indep(x) for x in 0:0.01:10)
for d in 3:20
X = Erlang(d)
ϕ(x) = exp(-x)
Xhat = 𝒲₋₁(ϕ,d)
ϕhat = 𝒲(X,d)

@test maximum(abs.([cdf(X,x) - cdf(Xhat,x) for x in 0:0.01:3*d])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))
@test maximum(abs.([ϕ(x) - ϕhat(x) for x in 0:0.01:10])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))

# @testitem "Exemple 3.3: inverse williamson clayton" begin
# using SpecialFunctions
@testitem "Exemple 3.3: ClaytonCopula" begin
using SpecialFunctions, Distributions

# # exemple 3.3. : back to clayton.
# gen_clayton(x,θ) = (1 + θ * x)^(-1/θ)
# function true_radial_cdf_for_clayton(x,θ,d)
# if x < 0
# return zero(x)
# end
# if θ < 0
# α = -1/θ
# if x >= α
# return one(x)
# end
# rez = zero(x)
# θx = θ*x
# cst = log(-θx/(1+θx))
# @show x, cst
# for k in 0:(d-1)
# rez += exp(loggamma(α+k+1) - loggamma(k+1) + k*cst)
# end
# rez *= (1+θx)^α/gamma(α+1)
# return 1-rez
# elseif θ == 0
# return exp(-x)
# else
# rez = zero(x)
# for k in 0:(d-1)
# rez += prod(1+j*θ for j in 0:(k-1))/factorial(k) * x^k * (1+θ*x)^(-(1/θ+k))
# end
# return 1-rez
# end
# end
# θ = -0.3
# X = 𝒲₋₁(x -> gen_clayton(x,θ),2)

# @test maximum(abs.([true_radial_cdf_for_clayton(x,θ,2) - X.F(x) for x in 0:0.01:10])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))
# end

# # An easy case:
# F1(x) = (1 - exp(-x)) * (x > 0)
# X = FromCDF(F1)
# x = rand(X,10000)
# Plots.plot(t -> StatsBase.ecdf(x)(t), 0, 10)
# Plots.plot!(F1)

# # A more involved one:
# F2(x) = 1*(x >= 2) # Dirac(1)
# X = FromCDF(F2)
# x = rand(X,10000)
# Plots.plot(t -> StatsBase.ecdf(x)(t), 0, 4)
# Plots.plot!(F2)

# # A more involved one:
# F3(x) = Distributions.cdf(Distributions.Binomial(10,0.7),x)
# X = FromCDF(F3)
# x = rand(X,10000)
# Plots.plot(t -> StatsBase.ecdf(x)(t), 0, 12)
# Plots.plot!(F3)

# # Final try:
# F4(x) = (F1(x)+F2(x)+F3(x) + x>=>)/3
# X = FromCDF(F4)
# x = rand(X,10000)
# Plots.plot(t -> StatsBase.ecdf(x)(t), 0, 12)
# Plots.plot!(F4)

# # ϕ = 𝒲(Gamma(1,2),10)
# ϕ = 𝒲(Dirac(1),10)
# ϕ(0.0)
# ϕ(Inf)
# using Plots
# plot(x -> ϕ(x),xlims=(0,10))

# # Now we could implement the inverse case
# # which allows to construct the random variable corresponding to a generator.
# # some precomputations might be necessary.
# # and a struct.

# # a certain generator from Ex 2.1:
# gen_ex22(x,d) = max((1-x)^(d-1),0)
# # the clayton gen from ex 2.3:
# gen_clayton(x,d,θ) = (1 + θ * x)^(-1/θ)
# # Note: θ = 0 generates the independence copula.
# # θ < 0 is interesting, as it is equal to gen_ex22 at the lower bound θ = -1/(d-1)

# # example 3.1 :
# # X = Dirac(1) correspond to gen_ex22
# ϕ = 𝒲(Dirac(1),10)
# plot(x -> ϕ(x),xlims=(0,10))
# plot!(x->gen_ex22(x,10))
# # indeed same plot !

# # exemple 3.2:
# # independent copula correspond to erlang distribution with parameter d
# ϕ = 𝒲(Erlang(10),10)
# gen_indep(x) = exp(-x)
# plot(x -> ϕ(x),xlims=(0,10))
# plot!(gen_indep)

# we should check if a williamson d-transform of this distribution recovers the generator correctly.

# exemple 3.3. : back to clayton.
ϕ(x, θ) = max((1 + θ * x),zero(x))^(-1/θ)
function F(x, θ, d)
if x < 0
return zero(x)
α = -1/θ
if θ < 0
if x >= α
return one(x)
rez = zero(x)
x_α = x/α
for k in 0:(d-1)
rez += gamma+1)/gamma-k+1)/gamma(k+1) * (x_α)^k * (1 - x_α)^-k)
return 1-rez
elseif θ == 0
return exp(-x)
rez = zero(x)
for k in 0:(d-1)
pr = one(θ)
for j in 0:(k-1)
pr *= (1+j*θ)
rez += pr / gamma(k+1) * x^k * (1 + θ * x)^(-(1/θ+k))
return 1-rez

for (d, θ) in (
(3, 1/7),
(2, -0.2),
(10, -1/10),
(2, -1.0)
Xhat = 𝒲₋₁(x -> ϕ(x,θ),d)
@test maximum(abs.([F(x,θ,d) - cdf(Xhat,x) for x in 0:0.01:10])) <= sqrt(eps(Float64))


2 comments on commit 9c26381

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@lrnv lrnv commented on 9c26381 Oct 27, 2023

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First version !

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