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Switch your mac home directory with a distant mounted partition on a dedicate server with the afp protocol.

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Switch your mac home directory with a distant mounted partition on a dedicate server with the afp protocol.

Server configuration

Create a new user for this usage (sudo useradd NewName) Package required: netatalk libc6-dev avahi-daemon libnss-mdns You need to configure various files, most tutorial and documentations exist on it, good read.

Tuto on for exemple

Official documentation of netatalk

(Give me better than it for add that here if you found)

Finder configuration

Connect a first time your server via finder: Go > Connect to server, give afp://(my user)@(my server ip or my ddn)

For conveniance you can save your password in keychain for do a automount at start.

You can set your home server at default page in finder: Finder > Finder Preferences > New Finder windows show

You can customize toolbar with right click on him and drag a button connect to server.

And finnaly linck yours shells settings (zshrc, vimrc, homyzsh ...) With set the env variable HOME at the new path home. For example i can tipe in shell export HOME=/Volumes/myMountName

Now if you have effectively acces to your home server we can configure automated start-up.

Automated start-up & deport all your fat stuff


Replace path line 2 of .zshrc and line 1 of by your mount path afp on mac

On mac zshrc:

source /Volumes/[myMountName]/

In following examples i use the eval shell commande for resolve dynamically HOLD_HOME path because it can change in my case frequently (for 42 student), but if you have a fixe path, please delete him, is not realy a good practice in all cases.

Dont forget to edit AFP_HOME variable with your proper mount path

On server home is call just one time for import various conf/files in local storage and auto erase her call in local mac zshrc.

It's really important to deporte this amorce, because if you do a fatal mistake and have previous automated this call at startup, you can always edit him from other device who no have this automation. (in home server):

AFP_HOME="/Volumes/[My AFP Mount]"

MAC_HOME=`eval echo ${MAC_HOME}`

#import and execute distant zshrc
pkill -u `whoami`
echo -n "source $AFP_HOME/.zshrc" > $MAC_HOME/.zshrc
source $AFP_HOME/.zshrc

#get .brew
rm -rf $MAC_HOME/.brew
cp -pXRf $AFP_HOME/.brew $MAC_HOME/.brew

#get atom
rm -rf $MAC_HOME/.atom
cp -pXRf $AFP_HOME/.atom $MAC_HOME/.atom

#fix brew
mkdir -p $MAC_HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew

For preserve one config for server one for mac and don't duplicate basic conf we have :  -- Load once on mac -- Load once where i ssh -- Load all time

.zshrc -- Load the good cfg server/mac and load cfgAllSys 

.zshrc (in server home):

if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
  source /Volumes/afp177/
elif [[ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]]; then
  source /home/luperez/
elif [[ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 10)" == "MINGW32_NT" ]]; then
  echo "What do you fuck dude ?"

source $HOME/
source $HOME/

alias gomac="
	export HOME=$HOLD_HOME;

alias e42="
	rm -rf .Trash .duty .ssh Library/Keychains Library/Caches;
	rm -rf /tmp/*/*;
	rm -rf /tmp/*;
	rm -rf Downloads/*;

#Unactive .DS_Store on shared DD
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

alias showMeTruth="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true;killall Finder"

alias e42="gomac;rm -rf .Trash .duty .ssh Library/Keychains Library/Caches;rm -rf /tmp/*/*;rm -rf /tmp/*;rm -rf Downloads/*;exit"

Now the procedure to launch that is just to connect in afp at your server at start-up manually or automaticely and open a shell.

Have a nice day.


Switch your mac home directory with a distant mounted partition on a dedicate server with the afp protocol.






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