This is a parser for the Contour project. It parses a basic function syntax for spreadsheets so that operations on tags can be performed.
Examples: Variable Declarations & Assignments:
Variables can be assigned with arithmetical/boolean operators and expressions and also tag expressions to link to other cells on other sheets.
For an integer "num" with value 7: let num = 7
For a string "name" with value "Alice": let name = "alice"
For a variable "cellVal" that links to the spreadsheet cell referenced as #(row, col) + 7 : let cellVal = #(row, col) + 7
Conditional Statements : -Multiline for clear understanding -Can use boolean operators to link statements. -If statements can nest
- Extra whitespace between lines used for clarity on README, since parts of if statement must be separated by new line character. -For an if statement to see if the a string variable "name" is equal to "alice" and if so then set variable "correctName" to true and if not then set name to the value of cell (2, name) :
if (name = "alice")
then let correctName = true
else then let name = #(2, name)
-Another example if statement. Notice how & and 'and' can be used in the exact same way and will produce the same result. The return keyword returns the result of the function : if (name = "alice" & age = 22)
then return 1
else if (name = "bob" and age = 23)
then return 2
else then return 0
If there are any errors in the function code then it is outputted to the user, giving the type of error and the location of it also.