LotusDB is the most advanced key-value store written in Go, extremely fast, compatible with LSM tree and B+ tree, and optimization of badger and bbolt.
Key features:
- Combine the advantages of LSM and B+ tree
- Fast read/write performance
- Much lower read and space amplification than typical LSM
package main
import (
func main() {
// specify the options
options := lotusdb.DefaultOptions
options.DirPath = "/tmp/lotusdb_basic"
// open a database
db, err := lotusdb.Open(options)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
_ = db.Close()
// put a key
err = db.Put([]byte("name"), []byte("lotusdb"))
if err != nil {
// get a key
val, err := db.Get([]byte("name"))
if err != nil {
// delete a key
err = db.Delete([]byte("name"))
if err != nil {
see the examples for more details.
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