This Terraform code deploys an instance of HashiCorp Vault and Cloud Volumes ONTAP on AWS. With this code, you can quickly and easily deploy an External Key Management Server with KMIP Secrets Engine and a running Instance of NetApp's Cloud Volumes ONTAP for encrypted volumes and aggregates in AWS.
- An AWS account with the necessary permissions to create AWS resources.
- Terraform Version 1.0 or higher.
- Vault Enterprise License
- BlueXP Refresh Token
- BlueXP Service Account Key & Client ID
- NetApp Support Site Account
- A client machine that acts as a jump host for configuring NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP. Provided in code.
- Your AWS Public & Private Key for SSH
git clone
cd vault-netapp-kmip
touch terraform.tfvars
aws_region = "your-region";
vpc_cidr_block = "";
subnet_cidr_block = "";
ssh_key_name = "name_of_your_key_in_aws";
vault_version = "1.12.3+ent";
vault_license = "ENTERPRISE_LICENSE";
private_key_path = "PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY";
cloudmanager_refresh_token = "YOUR_BLUEXP_TOKEN";
cloudmanager_sa_secret_key = "Service_Account_Secret_Key";
cloudmanager_sa_client_id = "Service_Account_Client_ID";
terraform init
terraform apply --auto--aprove
Now go for a Coffe and wait for 30minutes until your deployment is finished.
vault operator init -key-threshold=1 -key-shares=1 -format=json > vault.txt
vault operator unseal $(jq -r '.unseal_keys_b64[0]' vault.txt)
vault license get
Key Value
--- -----
expiration_time 2023-11-04T23:59:59.999Z
features [HSM Performance Replication DR Replication MFA Sentinel Seal Wrapping Control Groups Performance Standby Namespaces KMIP Entropy Augmentation Transform Secrets Engine Lease Count Quotas Key Management Secrets Engine Automated Snapshots Key Management Transparent Data Encryption]
license_id 41c90XXX-3b62-656e-84e5-25a193591XXX
performance_standby_count 9999
start_time 2022-11-04T00:00:00Z
termination_time 2023-11-04T23:59:59.999Z
- AWS VPC with Networking and required Ports
- Jump Host, that acts also as a client machine for mounting encrypted volume from Cloud Volumes ONTAP
- HashiCorp Vault Instance - Single Node Instance
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP on AWS
- Public IP Vault Server
- Ubuntu Public IP (client)
- Vault KMIP Server Private IP