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A javascript module that scans through string to remove non-numerals and formats out any found numbers based on configuration passed to it


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Number Formatter

A javascript module that scans through string to remove non-numerals and formats out any found numbers based on configuration passed to it.

💾 Setup

You need to have NodeJS installed on your computer before using npm. Open a terminal/command prompt and enter the codes below to install the package:

npm install js-number-formatter

🔨 Usage

// -- Require the module
import numberFormat from 'js-number-formatter';

const value = '3.142857';

const options = {
  // ... check the parameters section for more info on options

// -- Call function and pass the value to format and options to it or just the value
numberFormat(value, options);

📙 Parameters

Parameter Description
value The value to format which can be a number or string
  • opReturnZeroIfNoDigit
    true by default
    Returns zero '0' if string contains no digits
  • opReturnAbsoluteNumber
    true by default
    Return the absolute number without possible preceeding zeros '0'
  • opAllowSign
    true by default
    Allows sign (-) if true, removes any present sign if false
  • opAllowDecimal
    true by default
    If decimal should be allowed or not
  • opForceDecimal
    true by default
    Forces decimal even if string contains no decimal points (but only if opAllowDecimal is true)
  • opIgnoreDecimal
    false by default
    Ignores any already existing decimal point in the string (very useful for formatting number in input field)
  • opAppendZeroToDecimal
    true by default
    Appends zero '0' to result if just one digit is found after the last decimal point
  • opDecimalDelimiterChar
    '.' by default
    Character to use im place of the decimal period symbol
  • opDelimiterChar
    ',' by default
    Thousands separator
  • opAddSpaceToDelimiter
    false by default
    Thousands character spacing with ' '

🎨 Examples

numberFormat(3892); // Result: 3,892.00

numberFormat('140hajs7'); // Result: 1,407.00

numberFormat("you can't be serious ..."); // Result: 0

numberFormat("Hello World 20-06-2019", {
  opAllowSign: false
}); // Result: 20,062,019.00

numberFormat('-00034dj^nkjlsd$knls4h%bj.34.5', {
  // Returns zero '0' if string contains no digits
  // default: true, [test: '^nkjls.d$knls.4h%bj345' | true: -34.4345 | false: -34.4345]
  opReturnZeroIfNoDigit: true,
  // Return the absolute number without possible preceeding zeros '0'
  // default: true, [test: '^nkjls.d$knls.4h%bj345' | true: -34.4345 | false: -00,034.4345]
  opReturnAbsoluteNumber: true,
  // Allows sign (-) if true, removes any present sign if false
  // default: true [test: '^nkjls.d$knls.4h%bj345' | true = -34.4345 | false = 34.4345]
  opAllowSign: true, 
  // If decimal should be allowed or not
  // default: true [test: '^nkjls.d$knls.4h%bj345' | true = -34.4345 | false = -34]
  opAllowDecimal: true, 
  // Forces decimal even if string contains no decimal points (but only if opAllowDecimal is true)
  // default: true [test: '-00034dj^nkjlsd$knls4h%bj345' | true: -344,345.00 | false: -344,345]
  opForceDecimal: true,
  // Ignores any already existing decimal point in the string (very useful for formatting number in input field)
  // default: false
  opIgnoreDecimal: true,  
  // Appends zero '0' to result if just one digit is found after the last decimal point
  // default: true [test: '-00034dj^nkjlsd$knls4h%bj34.5' | true: -34,434.50 | false: -34,434.5]
  opAppendZeroToDecimal: true,
  // Character to use im place of the decimal period symbol
  // default: '.'
  opDecimalDelimiterChar: '.',
  // Thousands separator
  // default: ','
  opDelimiterChar: ',',
  // Thousands character spacing with ' '
  // default: false [test: '-00034dj^nkjlsd$knls4h%bj.34.5' | true: -34, 434.50 | false: -34,434.50]
  opAddSpaceToDelimiter: true


A javascript module that scans through string to remove non-numerals and formats out any found numbers based on configuration passed to it







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