Open documentation for anything you're working on.
Here's a simple example setup with lazy.nvim:
use {
dependencies = {
keys = {
{ '<C-k>', function() require('updoc').show_hover_links() end },
{ '<leader>ds', function() require('updoc').search() end },
config = function()
-- or just `config = true`
The following are the default options:
show_url_on_open = false, -- when opening a URL, show it in a notification as well
handlers = { -- these all have slightly different signatures, check options.lua for types
lookup = require('updoc.utils').open_in_browser,
search = require('updoc.utils').open_in_browser,
hover = require('updoc.utils').open_in_browser,
No options are required, pass any overrides to setup()
If you want prettier UI elements, set up a custom vim.ui.{input,select}
use something like dressing.nvim
). All the selection / input prompts use those
functions, so it should get picked up automatically.
-- Open one of the links found in the LSP hover text
-- Prompt to choose a source, and then get search results for that source
-- Get search results for a specific source (see helpers section below)
-- As a convenience, an additional `search_fn` is provided to allow easy
-- creation of a closure for searching a specific source. For example, this is
-- handy when registering keymaps:
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-p>', require('updoc').search_fn('python_stdlib'))
-- This is equivalent to:
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-p>', function() require('updoc').search('python_stdlib') end)
-- Lookup a specific namespace or object for the current environment.
-- `lookup` is a bit finnicky at the moment, and typically requires some extra
-- information to work at all:
-- 1. a predictable URL scheme for the source
-- 2. some pre-existing knowledge of the layout of the doc source
-- I have some ideas for improving this in the future, but currently there's
-- only a few sources that are actually useful at all in this mode (namely:
-- 'python_stdlib', 'rust_stdlib', 'docs_rs', and one or two others)
There's also some convenience functions to give you some useful information for set up your configuration:
-- Print the internal names of all available sources (these are all the valid
-- options to pass to `search()`)