leaflet-partition is a leaflet plugin designed to divide geographic areas into distinct sections.
Various methods:Supports different partitioning techniques, such as triangulation and hexagonal tiling.
Data binding:leaflet-partition enables you to bind arbitrary data to partitions and apply data-driven transformations to them.
Simple and Flexible:leaflet-partition takes care of path calculations, data binding, rendering, and updating, while still providing you with full control over individual partitions (DOM operations, style settings).
Suitable for data visualization
- leaflet 1.x
- If you choose to use triangulation for partitioning, d3-voronoi is required.
Include the dependency libraries in the dist folder
<script src="leaflet-partition.min.js"></script>
**(optional)**If you use trigulation for partition, add the following:
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-voronoi.v1.min.js"></script>
This plugin is a UMD module, so you can use it in commonJS or AMD environments.
const partition = L.partition();
const layerGroup = partition.addTo(map);
layerGroup is just a leafelt LayerGroup Object, which allows you to take full control of each partition.
Set type and style option:
const options = {
type: "voronoi",
pathStyleOption: {
color: "blue"
//initialize option
const partition = L.partition(options);
//update option
Where type is a string value represents partition method. Options:'voronoi','hexagon'.
If type is voronoi
, data
should be a list of L.Latlng
If type is hexagon
, data
should be L.LatLngBounds
pathStyleOption property is a leaflet Path Options Object.
Set data and Update:
Then, the view updates itself.
leaflet-partition is MIT licensed