Sources in src/lib
A demo project can be found here:
npm install --save react-light-router
import { LightLink, LightRouter } from 'react-light-router'
<LightLink path={'/foo/bar'}>
<button>Click me!</button>
Turns its child component (or any content between its opening and closing tag) into a clickable hash-based link.
Clicking on a LightLink with a path prop /foo/bar
will replace the browser's URL fragment with #/foo/bar
will become
without a page-reload. The LightRouter component will consequently render a React component which matches this hash-based path.
Type: string
A hash-based path which the component links to
Type: object
A React inline style object
<LightRouter routes={routes} defaultRoute={defaultRoute} />
Display a route's component if the route's path matches the current URL's fragment (excluding #
A route's path /foo/bar
will match
Type: array
An array of routes
Type: route
An optional default route to be used, when no route's path matches the current URL
path: '/hello',
component: Hello
path: '/hello/:first/:last',
component: Hello,
guards: [fooGuard, barGuard],
effects: [fooEffect],
props: [{ foo: 'bar' }],
propsFromPath: [{
prop: 'first',
segment: ':first',
plugs: [fooPlug, barPlug],
effects: [barEffect]
}, {
prop: 'last',
segment: ':last',
effects: [bazEffect]
Type: string
A path, which will be compared to the current URL's fragment
e.g. /foo/:foo_id/bar/:bar_id
The path above will match #/foo/4/bar/2
, #/foo/4/bar/2/foobar
and #/foo/4/bar/2?foo=bar
Type: react component
A React component to display, if the path matches
Type: array
An array of parameterless functions which have to return true for a match
Type: array
An array of parameterless functions which produce side-effects (e.g. dispatch a Redux action)
Type: array
An array of props
e.g. [{foo: bar}]
Type: Array
An array of propFromPath objects
Type: Array
An array of propFromQuery objects
Type: string
The name of a prop
Type: string
A string that equals exactly one segment of the route's path
Type: array
An array of pure functions (one argument, one return value) intended for modifying the prop value
Type: array
An array of functions which receive the plug-modified prop as their first argument and produce side-effects (e.g. dispatch a Redux action)
Type: string
The name of a prop
Type: string
The name of a query
Type: boolean
If true, strings will be converted to booleans and numbers if applicable.
Type: array
An array of pure functions (one argument, one return value) intended for modifying the converted prop value
Type: array
An array of functions which receive the plug-modified prop as their first argument and produce side-effects (e.g. dispatch a Redux action)
Sources in src/demo
Start with npm start
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import Hello from './Hello.js';
import NotFound from './NotFound.js';
import { LightRouter, LightLink } from '../lib';
const abbreviate = str => {
return str.charAt(0) + '.';
const capitalize = str => {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
const limitLength = str => {
return str.slice(0, 20);
const userIsLoggedIn = () => true;
const routes = [{
path: '/hello/:first/:last',
component: Hello,
guards: [userIsLoggedIn],
effects: [() => console.log('GET /hello/:first/:last')],
propsFromPath: [{
prop: 'first',
segment: ':first',
plugs: [limitLength, abbreviate, capitalize],
effects: [segment => console.log(`:first = ${segment}`)]
}, {
prop: 'last',
segment: ':last',
plugs: [limitLength, capitalize],
effects: [segment => console.log(`:last = ${segment}`)]
propsFromQueries: [{
prop: 'printTimestamp',
query: 'timestamp',
convert: true
prop: 'message',
query: 'message',
plugs: [capitalize],
effects: [query => console.log(`message = ${query}`)]
const defaultRoute = {
component: NotFound
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<h1 className="App-title">React Light Router</h1>
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<LightRouter routes={routes} defaultRoute={defaultRoute} style={{ padding: '16px' }} />
<LightLink path={'/hello/foo/bar'} style={{ padding: '4px' }}>
<button>I am Foo Bar</button>
<LightLink path={'/hello/bar/foo'} style={{ padding: '4px' }}>
<button>I am Bar Foo</button>
export default App;
import { LightUrl } from 'react-light-router'
Provides access to the hash-based path and query
Return Type: array
Returns the hash-based path segments of the browser's current URL
['foo', 'bar']
Return Type: array
Returns the hash-based queries of the browser's current URL
[['filter', 'unread'], ['sort', 'new']]