Welcome to my GitHub profile, you can connect with me on LinkedIn, Lmbek.dk or Discord (username: lmbek), if you are a programmer who want to collaborate.
- Serverside: Go, PHP, C#, Java, Apache, Nginx
- Go frameworks: Echo, Gin, Cobra
- Go libraries: Gorilla, Excelize, fpdf, webview_go, GORM, go-swagger, prometheus
- PHP frameworks: Laravel
- PHP libraries: PHPSpreadsheet
- C# frameworks: .NET, Unity
- C# libraries: Newtonsoft.Json, NHibernate, NUnit
- Frontend: HTML, GOHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, JSON, XML, CSV, JAVAFX
- Frontend frameworks, libs and other: Esbuild, React, Three.js, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Go TEMPL, HTMX
- Databases: MySQL, Sqlite, MongoDB
- Coding IDE: Goland, IntelliJ Ultimate, Rider, CLion, Visual Code
- Servers: Ubuntu, CentOS, Hetzner Cloud (VPS linux servers), Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean, AWS
- Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes
- Automations: Makefile, Dockerfile, docker-compose, github actions
- Deployment: systemd (services), Docker, Kubernetes
Feel free to contribute to the repositories that are public