1.3.3 - August 9th 2017
= Bug Fixes: =
- Fixes the broken div wrappers in header/footers introduced in the previous version
- Fixes a JS error that appears in the Menu Pro (no outerHide function)
- Issue #753: Fixes a bug of pagination when the LC caching is active
- Issue #754: Fixes a bug with the active menu style when the LC caching is active
- Issue #755: Fixes the broken google map when the LC caching is active
- Issue #756: Fixes a bug in builder.frontend.main.js
- Issue #757: Fixes a bug with the header/footer editing overlay
= Information about cache: =
If have problems with the cache, you can disable the Live Composer caching feature from WP Admin > Live Composer > Settings > Performance > HTML/CSS caching.