In order to build Liri Commander from source, you will need to install a series of dependencies. This project is written in Python3, and will be compiled with PyInstaller to provide cross-platform binaries upon release.
In order to install PyAudio you must first install Port Audio. On macOS this is as simple as running the following command:
brew install portaudio && sudo brew link portaudio
And then run the following command to install Pyaudio:
pip3 install pyaudio
As with all other Liri Apps, the front-end is written using Qt5.7 and QML. To install Python bindings for Qt5, first make sure you have Qt5 installed on your system and then run:
pip3 install sip && pip3 install pyqt5
We use SpeechRecognition in order to grab input from microphone sources:
pip3 install SpeechRecognition
This package is used when Liri Commander responds to a users voice input. The version of pyttsx in pypi is outdated and so this package needs to be compiled manually.
git clone
cd pyttsx
python3 ./ install