spymemcached-jcache is a JSR107 JCache provider using spymemcached as memcache client.
- namespace support by cache name, cache name should be \w+
- add seperator support, default is
$. You can set the seperator in the url, such as memcached://localhost:11211?seperator=$ $ - expose native cache api by unwrap
- CacheLoader support to auto load data from backend
First we should find the caching provider, then create cache manager from the provider, finally we create the cache to operate cache entries.
SpyCachingProvider provider = new SpyCachingProvider();
CacheManager cacheManager = provider.getCacheManager(URI.create("memcached://localhost:11211"), null);
Cache<Integer, Object> cache = cacheManager.getCache("user");
cache.put(1, "linux_china");
MemcachedClient memcacheClient = cache.unwrap(MemcachedClient.class);
Object object = memcacheClient.get("user$1");
You can set the seperator in the url, such as memcached://localhost:11211?seperator=$$
cache:memcached:localhost:11211?sperator=$$ cache:memcached:localhost:11211,localhost:11212?sperator=$$
Please add peer param in the url, such as memcached://localhost:11211?peer=localhost:11212;localhost:11213 Hosts splitted by ";".
Map<String, Object> store = cache.unwrap(Map.class);
Two way:
MemcachedClient memcacheClient = cacheManager.unwrap(MemcachedClient.class);
MemcachedClient memcacheClient = cache.unwrap(MemcachedClient.class);
- Implement all JSR 107 features
- Concurrency
- event, event filter
- management, statics
- 参考 [email protected]:ehcache/ehcache-jcache.git
- Cache Provider
- Cache Manager
- Cache
- Entry
- Key
- Value
As a cache provider, you should ext CacheProvider, CacheManager, Cache, CacheEntry and Cache value.
- compute: processor package, such as javax.cache.Cache.invoke and javax.cache.Cache.invokeAll
- transaction support for getAndRemove etc