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* Add ability to configure client-go's `QPS` and `Burst` settings ## Problem and Symptoms When having a very large number of proxies request identity in a short period of time (e.g. during large node scaling events), the identity controller will attempt to validate the tokens sent by the proxies at a rate surpassing client-go's the default request rate threshold, triggering client-side throttling, which will delay the proxies initialization, and even failing their startup (after a 2m timeout). The identity controller will surface this through log entries like this: ``` time="2023-11-08T19:50:45Z" level=error msg="error validating token for web.emojivoto.serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local: client rate limiter Wait returned an error: rate: Wait(n=1) would exceed context deadline" ``` ## Solution Client-go's default `QPS` is 5 and `Burst` is 10. This PR exposes those settings as entries in `values.yaml` with defaults of 100 and 200 respectively. Note this only applies to the identity controller, as it's the only controller performing direct requests to the `kube-apiserver` in a hot path. The other controllers mostly rely in informers, and direct calls are sporadic. ## Observability The `QPS` and `Burst` settings used are exposed both as a log entry as soon as the controller starts, and as in the new metric gauges `http_client_qps` and `http_client_burst` ## Testing You can use the following K6 script, which simulates 6k calls to the `Certify` service during one minute from emojivoto's web pod. Before running this you need to: - Put the identity.proto and [all the other proto files]( in the same directory. - Edit the [checkRequest]( function and add logging statements to figure the `token` and `csr` entries you can use here, that will be shown as soon as a web pod starts. ```javascript import { Client, Stream } from 'k6/experimental/grpc'; import { sleep } from 'k6'; const client = new Client(); client.load(['.'], 'identity.proto'); // This always holds: // req_num = (1 / req_duration ) * duration * VUs // Given req_duration (0.5s) test duration (1m) and the target req_num (6k), we // can solve for the required VUs: // VUs = req_num * req_duration / duration // VUs = 6000 * 0.5 / 60 = 50 export const options = { scenarios: { identity: { executor: 'constant-vus', vus: 50, duration: '1m', }, }, }; export default () => { client.connect('localhost:8080', { plaintext: true, }); const stream = new Stream(client, 'io.linkerd.proxy.identity.Identity/Certify'); // Replace with your own token let token = "ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpTVXpJMU5pSXNJbXRwWkNJNkluQjBaV1pUZWtaNWQyVm5OMmxmTTBkV2VUTlhWSFpqTmxwSmJYRmtNMWRSVEhwNVNHWllhUzFaZDNNaWZRLmV5SmhkV1FpT2xzaWFXUmxiblJwZEhrdWJEVmtMbWx2SWwwc0ltVjRjQ0k2TVRjd01EWTRPVFk1TUN3aWFXRjBJam94TnpBd05qQXpNamt3TENKcGMzTWlPaUpvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMnQxWW1WeWJtVjBaWE11WkdWbVlYVnNkQzV6ZG1NdVkyeDFjM1JsY2k1c2IyTmhiQ0lzSW10MVltVnlibVYwWlhNdWFXOGlPbnNpYm1GdFpYTndZV05sSWpvaVpXMXZhbWwyYjNSdklpd2ljRzlrSWpwN0ltNWhiV1VpT2lKM1pXSXRPRFUxT1dJNU4yWTNZeTEwYldJNU5TSXNJblZwWkNJNklqaGlZbUV5WWpsbExXTXdOVGN0TkRnMk1TMWhNalZsTFRjelpEY3dOV1EzWmpoaU1TSjlMQ0p6WlhKMmFXTmxZV05qYjNWdWRDSTZleUp1WVcxbElqb2lkMlZpSWl3aWRXbGtJam9pWm1JelpUQXlNRE10TmpZMU55MDBOMk0xTFRoa09EUXRORGt6WXpBM1lXUTJaak0zSW4xOUxDSnVZbVlpT2pFM01EQTJNRE15T1RBc0luTjFZaUk2SW5ONWMzUmxiVHB6WlhKMmFXTmxZV05qYjNWdWREcGxiVzlxYVhadmRHODZkMlZpSW4wLnlwMzAzZVZkeHhpamxBOG1wVjFObGZKUDB3SC03RmpUQl9PcWJ3NTNPeGU1cnNTcDNNNk96VWR6OFdhYS1hcjNkVVhQR2x2QXRDRVU2RjJUN1lKUFoxVmxxOUFZZTNvV2YwOXUzOWRodUU1ZDhEX21JUl9rWDUxY193am9UcVlORHA5ZzZ4ZFJNcW9reGg3NE9GNXFjaEFhRGtENUJNZVZ6a25kUWZtVVZwME5BdTdDMTZ3UFZWSlFmNlVXRGtnYkI1SW9UQXpxSmcyWlpyNXBBY3F5enJ0WE1rRkhSWmdvYUxVam5sN1FwX0ljWm8yYzJWWk03T2QzRjIwcFZaVzJvejlOdGt3THZoSEhSMkc5WlNJQ3RHRjdhTkYwNVR5ZC1UeU1BVnZMYnM0ZFl1clRYaHNORjhQMVk4RmFuNjE4d0x6ZUVMOUkzS1BJLUctUXRUNHhWdw=="; // Replace with your own CSR let csr = "MIIBWjCCAQECAQAwRjFEMEIGA1UEAxM7d2ViLmVtb2ppdm90by5zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC5pZGVudGl0eS5saW5rZXJkLmNsdXN0ZXIubG9jYWwwWTATBgcqhkjOPQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAATKjgVXu6F+WCda3Bbq2ue6m3z6OTMfQ4Vnmekmvirip/XGyi2HbzRzjARnIzGlG8wo4EfeYBtd2MBCb50kP8F8oFkwVwYJKoZIhvcNAQkOMUowSDBGBgNVHREEPzA9gjt3ZWIuZW1vaml2b3RvLnNlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50LmlkZW50aXR5LmxpbmtlcmQuY2x1c3Rlci5sb2NhbDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNHADBEAiAM7aXY8MRs/EOhtPo4+PRHuiNOV+nsmNDv5lvtJt8T+QIgFP5JAq0iq7M6ShRNkRG99ZquJ3L3TtLWMNVTPvqvvUE="; const data = { identity: "web.emojivoto.serviceaccount.identity.linkerd.cluster.local", token: token, certificate_signing_request: csr, }; stream.write(data); // This request takes around 2ms, so this sleep will mostly determine its final duration sleep(0.5); }; ``` This results in the following report: ``` scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 50 max VUs, 1m30s max duration (incl. graceful stop): * identity: 50 looping VUs for 1m0s (gracefulStop: 30s) data_received................: 6.3 MB 104 kB/s data_sent....................: 9.4 MB 156 kB/s grpc_req_duration............: avg=2.14ms min=873.93µs med=1.9ms max=12.89ms p(90)=3.13ms p(95)=3.86ms grpc_streams.................: 6000 99.355331/s grpc_streams_msgs_received...: 6000 99.355331/s grpc_streams_msgs_sent.......: 6000 99.355331/s iteration_duration...........: avg=503.16ms min=500.8ms med=502.64ms max=532.36ms p(90)=504.05ms p(95)=505.72ms iterations...................: 6000 99.355331/s vus..........................: 50 min=50 max=50 vus_max......................: 50 min=50 max=50 running (1m00.4s), 00/50 VUs, 6000 complete and 0 interrupted iterations ``` With the old defaults (QPS=5 and Burst=10), the latencies would be much higher and number of complete requests much lower.
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