Working in progress...
- GGCNN: Only depth
- GRCNN: depth or RGB
- LGD: RGB or text
Table top manipulation based on franka fr3 robot arm and graspnet, including calibration, 3d reconstruction and grasping.
For caclibration:
- Please install numpy, open3d, opencv-python, opencv-contrib-python.
- The code is tested on python 3.8 and python 3.10, you may try other version.
For grasp:
- The code is tested on realsense 405/435(tested), other realsense cameras may also work.
- The code is tested on franka emika research 3, the code should also work on franka panda.
Overall pipeline:
- Use "hand_in_eye_shooting.ipynb" in "examples/hand_in_eye" to collect wrist arm data.
- The calibration board is genereted by
- Use "hand_in_eye_calib.ipynb" in "examples/hand_in_eye" to do calibration and generate pointcloud with tsdf.
- Put the pointcloud in "./examples/graspnet/pointclouds" and run to generate grasp.
- Click "Load Pointcloud" to visualize pcd.
- Click "Generate Grasp" to get the grasps.
- Select best grasp with "Grasp Number".
- Click "Grasp" to do IK and save the joints angle.
- Use "grasp_test.ipynb" to control the robot arm do real world task.
Additional notes:
- The Pipeine is based on only wrist camera, and the intrinsics are from realsense. You may further calibrate them but the inner params work well.
- Hand-to-eye is based on eye-to-eye and hand-in-eye, which is not a standard method.
- You may check other examples about realsense usage, eye-to-eye/hand-to-eye calibration and intrinsic calibration. The data fromat is shown in the folder "eye_to_eye" and "hand_in_eye".
- Hand to eye calibration with a mark on the arm.
- Automatic data collection with spherical view points.