*[CMS]: Content Management System *[DB]: DataBase
ZF2 based CMS that allows easy creation of your own website with necessary tools like article menagment.
It's easy to add articles, edit using a WYSIWYG editor, and upload images into articles with built-in zooming
(For this just set image class="zoom" and specify different size from original).
Libra provides an administration aware application. To utilize this functionality:
- router: create children inside admin route, and make application accessible by /admin/route url.
- layout: create your new layout in any module under folder view/layout/admin-layout-name, where default layout name is default.
- It should be easy to use.
- It should be easy to add new modules.
###Using Composer (recommended, updated)
- Download if necessary composer.phar and
php composer.phar create-project libra/libra-cms libra-cms dev-master
- Go to installed dir libra-cms. Copy config/autoload/local.php.dist files to local.php and update the parameters with your specific DB name and user name/password. Export SQL from data/libra-cms.sql to DB.
- Run
php -S localhost:8080 -t public
(assuming that you are inside installed folder). - Enjoy!
Default administration user: admin, pass: libra-cms.
- Add write permissions for running script user to: public/images/stories to save images during article editing.
- Change pubic/robots.txt file to fit your needs.
Thanks for trying Libra CMS.