gulp run --view CENTRAL_PACKAGE --browserify --proxy
This project depends on primo-explore-dom.
- How to download primo-explore-dom and create a symlink from the js directory
$ pwd
$ git clone
$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x@ 9 user staff 306 Oct 5 10:09 CENTRAL_PACKAGE
drwxr-xr-x@ 10 user staff 340 Jul 13 17:45 primo-explore-dom
$ ln -s ../../primo-explore-dom ./
- general/search-tips
- prm-brief-results-after/source-icon: display data-source icon like WOW in the old UI
- prm-fines-overview-after/pay-my-fines: displays a “Pay now!” button in your user account
- prm-logo-after/home-icon: specific logo per view + a home icon
- prm-main-menu-after/feedback: feedback button in home menu opens a dialog and sends it to our help desk
- prm-search-result-thumbnail-container-after/pnx-xml: creates a hotspot in the bottom right corner. When clicked adds a xml and pnx button to every loaded record. Makes use of jQuery.PRIMO.jar available in the August release. People with access to their environment can upgrade today.
- prm-service-header-after/report-a-problem: places a “Report a problem” link on the “View Online” section. Sends reports to our help desk
- prm-top-bar-after/fines-message: Display a header message (announcement) when you have fines and gives the possibility to pay them. Makes use of primo-explore-dom to get easy access to user and view information.
- prm-top-bar-after/general-message: Display a message that is placed in the “View Labels/default.lbs.generalMessage” code table.