My qb-hud edit. Before you drone on about Pepe-HUD similarites, yes, there is parts of it in here. However, I've already gotten permission from the original developer. I don't fucking care for drama. Shut up and use it or don't idc.
Runs at ~ 0.06 to 0.08 ms if you have more optimization suggestions feel free to reach out
- Credit for compass/street names goes to compass
- Voice proximity and radio proximity highlighted
- Radial icons realign
- Seat belt equipped icon indicator
- Engine health orange and red icon indicator
- Fuel low alert
- Fuel gauge color changes
- Harness equipped icon indicator
- Minimap square and circle (found in .config)
- Minimap white borders
- Compass/street names styled like NP 3.0
-- Functions
function ToggleSeatbelt()
if seatbeltOn then
seatbeltOn = false
TriggerServerEvent("InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource", "carunbuckle", 0.25)
TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', "Seat belt unbuckled!", "error")
seatbeltOn = true
TriggerServerEvent("InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource", "carbuckle", 0.25)
TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', "Seat belt buckled!")
function ToggleHarness()
if harnessOn then
harnessOn = false
harnessOn = true
- Download lj-hud put it anywhere in the [resources] directory.
- Add the following code to your server.cfg
ensure lj-hud
- Initial release
- Dev radial displayed if you have permissions required
- In-game menu
- Radio icon appears when connected to radio channel
- Cooldown radial option
- Battery radial option
- More optimization shit
Please use the GitHub issues system to report issues or make suggestions, when making suggestion, please keep [Suggestion] in the title to make it clear that it is a suggestion.