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Huxpro committed Jan 11, 2021
1 parent b1d823b commit e462d51
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Showing 7 changed files with 46 additions and 21 deletions.
19 changes: 8 additions & 11 deletions _config.yml
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ ga_domain:

# Sidebar settings
sidebar: true # whether or not using Sidebar.
sidebar-about-description: "For the next quantum leap<br>离开世界之前,一切都是过程"
sidebar-about-description: "黄玄,前端娱乐圈 NPC,编程语言/编译器初心者 <br> An UI/Frontend dev & designer accidentally growing into a compiler/PL hacker."
sidebar-avatar: /img/avatar-hux-ny.jpg # use absolute URL, seeing it's used in both `/` and `/about/`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,26 +106,23 @@ friends: [
# title: "Su",
# href: ""
# },{
title: "乱序",
title: "乱序(Midare)",
href: ""
title: "Sherry Wu",
href: ""
title: "Sherry Woo",
href: ""
title: "Luke 的自留地",
href: ""
title: "Kun Qian",
href: ""
title: "Ebn's Blog",
title: "Ebn Zhang",
href: ""
title: "SmdCn's Blog",
title: "SmdCn",
href: ""
title: "JiyinYiyong",
href: ""
title: "David's Game",
href: ""
title: "DHong Say",
href: ""
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions _includes/about/
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@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
> Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Hi, I am _@huxpro_ (Huang, Xuan), an UI/Frontend engineer & designer, accidentally growing into a compiler hacker. My current interests range from programming languages theory and implementation in general (compiler, type system, type-based formal verification, virtual machine, runtime systems, garbage collection) to software engineering in the tech industry (client-side web/mobile app development, server-side backend, user interface and UX, developer infrastructure and DX).

Hi, I am _@huxpro_ (Huang, Xuan), a [Facebook]( software engineer and a degreed digital designer. My interests range from programming languages in general (type system, type-based formal verification, compilers, runtime systems, garbage collection) to indurstial software engineering (web/mobile app development, user interface and UX, developer infrastructure and DX).
I'm currently working on the [Hermes JavaScript Engine]( at [Facebook]( I was also involved in some of the [Facebook Reality Labs]( and the [ReasonML]( (now [ReScript]( efforts. I'm also passionated about [React]( and [React Native](

In the past, I worked on [Alitrip (Fliggy)]( mobile and web apps under the [Alibaba Group](, found and lead front-end infrastructure team at a unicorn startup [Beijing Weiying (WePiao)](, and helped []( to upgrade their mobile web into [the first influential PWA (progressive web app) in China](
In the past, I worked on [Alitrip (Fliggy)]( mobile and web apps under the [Alibaba Group](, found and lead front-end infrastructure team at an unicorn startup company [Beijing Weiying (a.k.a. WePiao, now acquired by Maoyan)](, and helped [ (now acquired by Alibaba)]( to upgrade their mobile web site into [the first influential PWA (progressive web app) in China](

I studied BA, Digital Media Art at [Communication University of China]( and MS, Computer Science with a focus on programming languages at [Rochester Institute of Technology](
I studied BA, Digital Media Art at [Communication University of China]( and MS, Computer Science (with a focus on programming languages) at [Rochester Institute of Technology](

##### [My PL Spectrum (WIP 🚧)](

I made a chart to visualize my experiences and interests on some of the programming languages. I know, I know this could be very contraversial. But it's a quite self-entertaining side project to do right? So have fun and don't take it too serious!
I made a chart to visualize my experiences and interests on some of the programming languages. I know. I know this is always contraversial. But it's just something quite self-entertaining to do. So bare with me and have fun reading that!

##### Appearence

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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions _includes/about/
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> 离开世界之前,一切都是过程。
Hi,我是黄玄,前端娱乐圈 NPC,编程语言/编译器初心者,[Facebook]( 签约软件工程师,[广院](认证数字设计师,曾被招募为阿里巴巴 · [阿里旅行(飞猪)](· 前端工程师、微影时代 · 微票儿 · 前端基础设施工程团队负责人、[饿了么]( · 大前端团队 · [PWA 顾问]( 等。

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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions _posts/
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layout: post
title: "给《PWA 实战》一书写的推荐序"
date: 2018-05-11 12:00:00
author: "Hux"
header-style: text
catalog: true
- Web

> 「博文视点」邀请我给[《PWA实战:面向下一代的Progressive Web APP》]( 写的推荐序。
Progressive Web App 是继 Ajax、响应式设计、HTML5 之后,web 平台的又一次革命性突破。它在开放 Web 标准的基础之上,突破了以往 Web 应用只能「依赖互联网分发」与「依赖浏览器为入口」的两大桎梏,一下子打开了 Web 应用从性能、架构到用户体验上的一系列可能性。

PWA 中最引入注目的核心新特性,Service Worker,实质上是为 Web 应用带来了一种安全而又低功耗的后台处理能力。无论是用于实现离线 Web 应用所需要的缓存读写与网络代理,还是用于提升 Web 应用能力的推送通知、后台同步,其实都得益于这种新的并发能力。随着 Edge 与 Safari 的相继发布,Service Worker 已经历史性的达到了全浏览器的支持。

而这就要归功于 Web 开放性的力量。相比于其他众多私有的“类 Web”技术,PWA 技术完全属于开放 Web 标准。PWA 因此具备了独一无二的跨平台能力,不止于移动端,Chrome 与 Windows 已经让 PWA 在桌面端也晋升为了第一公民。这使得「一套代码,发布可以同时跨移动桌面设备、跨操作系统、跨浏览器的超级应用」真正成为可能。这里有非常大的想象空间,非常值得我们期待。

PWA 作为“下一代 Web 应用模型”从 2015 年第一次发布,到现在的 2018 年中,国际上 Google、Twitter、Facebook、Instagram、FlipKart、Uber、Lyft、Pinterest、Tinder、Flipboard、Spotify……国内诸如 AliExpress、饿了么、微博,都已经在使用 PWA 技术甚至发布了专门的 PWA 产品。可以说 PWA 从生态到工具链都已经逐渐成熟,接下来将会迎来更大的爆发。

在这个时间点上,很高兴能看到本书的翻译团队能在如此短的时间里将最新的技术带回中文社区,非常难能可贵。本人也做过一些 PWA 的分享,但要对社区带来更大的推动,我们更需要这样完整的大部头作品。

本书原著非常详实且不失生动地涵盖了 PWA 的方方面面。作者不但通过一个贯穿全书的案例将 PWA 的各项技术串起,还把它们所要解决的问题与可以带来的产品价值也一一娓娓道来。书中讨论到的策略与模式非常实用,既可以帮助你快速上手 PWA,也能帮助你对 Web 应用的工程化有更好的理解。

在此,我谨作为整个中文 Web 社区的一员,感谢团队的贡献!

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion about.html
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: page
title: "About"
description: "你是我的梦想"
description: "你是我的梦想"
header-img: "img/about-bg.jpg"
multilingual: true
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion archive.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Archive
layout: default
description: keep hungry keep foolish
description: "「我干了什么 究竟拿了时间换了什么」"
header-img: "img/tag-bg.jpg"

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
layout: page
description: "我干了什么 究竟拿了时间换了什么"
description: "「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」"

{% for post in paginator.posts %}
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