[CN] 修复 ToVector3 的冲突
[CN] SingletonKit:增加 PrefabSingleton 和 ScriptableSingleton
[CN] 增加 UnRegisterWhenDisabled 和 IMGUIHelper.SetResolution 选择 MinSize 对齐
[CN] 增加 DisplayLabel
[CN] SerializedProperty 增加 DrawProperties API
[CN] Architecture 支持 Deinit
[CN] ConsoleKit 支持外部开关
[CN] 改进 ConsoleKit 的开关 API
[CN] ResKit 增加 AssetBundle 的 Example
[CN] EditorKit 增加 DisplayIf
[CN] ActionKit 增加 EaseUtility 和 Example
[CN] ActionKit 支持双击事件(诗远 PR)
[CN] UIKit OnApplicationQuit 时清空静态数据(支持 Domain Reload 设置,于大进 提供反馈和测试)
[CN] SingletonKit 删除 ApplicationQuit 判断(支持 Domain Reload 设置)
[CN] ResKit:修复加载场景传 BundleName 报错的问题
[CN] LogKit 支持双击找到报错定位(感谢 clksaaa)
[CN] 修复 LogKti 打包时的编译错误
[CN] PackageKit 默认打开的为止在 Unity 所在的屏幕
[CN] ConsoleKit 游戏结束时清空窗口
[CN] 文档支持简单的搜索功能&修复切换编辑器界面输入框聚焦异常的问题(感谢MisakiMei贡献)
[CN] ViewController 可以选择关联架构
[CN] CodeGenKit: ViewController 生成文件移动位置后自动找回
[CN] LocaleKit: LanguageText 的 Inspector 显示改进
[CN] LocaleText 避免批量编辑造成的文本覆盖问题
[CN] LocaleKit: LocaleText 预览位置调整
[EN] Fix conflict with ToVector3
[EN] SingletonKit: Added PrefabSingleton and ScriptableSingleton
[EN] Added UnRegisterWhenDisabled and IMGUIHelper.SetResolution to select MinSize alignment
[EN] Add DisplayLabel
[EN] SerializedProperty adds DrawProperties API
[EN] Architecture supports Deinit
[EN] ConsoleKit supports external switches
[EN] Improve ConsoleKit's switch API
[EN] ResKit adds AssetBundle Example
[EN] EditorKit adds DisplayIf
[EN] ActionKit adds EaseUtility and Example
[EN] ActionKit supports double-click events (Shiyuan PR)
[EN] Clear static data when UIKit OnApplicationQuit (supports Domain Reload settings, Yu Dajin provides feedback and testing)
[EN] SingletonKit deletes ApplicationQuit judgment (supports Domain Reload settings)
[EN] ResKit: Fixed the problem of loading scene and passing BundleName error
[EN] LogKit supports double-clicking to locate error reports (thanks clksaaa)
[EN] Fix compilation errors when packaging LogKti
[EN] PackageKit opens by default on the screen where Unity is located.
[EN] ConsoleKit clears window when game ends
[EN] The document supports a simple search function & fixes the problem of abnormal focusing of the input box in the switching editor interface (thanks to MisakiMei's contribution)
[EN] ViewController can choose to associate the schema
[EN] CodeGenKit: ViewController automatically retrieves the generated file after moving it
[EN] LocaleKit: Inspector display improvements for LanguageText
[EN] LocaleText avoids text overwriting problems caused by batch editing
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