Project 1 for Group 4. A lunar calendar that will allow you to search for your current city, conver that into latitude and longitude to provide you with the current moon phase and weather data so you can understand the visual possibilites of the moon. The calendar will also let you see the current month's lunar cycle upon loading, but then search through Days, Months, and years to see future or past lunar cycles.
As a moon photographer I want to view a calendar that has information about weather and moon phase for that day So that I can get the best picture of the moon in a particular phase with clear conditions
The user will be able to open the app to see weather conditions for a searched city that could possibly hinder their desired outcome. They are also able to see the current moon phases to help decide if conditions are optimal.
HTML CSS Vanilla JavaScript
Bulma - - Positionstack - openWeather -
- HTML and JavaScript for Today's Moon Phase modal.
- Used javascript to calculate moon phases. Dynamically added information to the modal about moon phases.
- Synced Lunar Calendar with Moon Phase Modal.
- User Story, initial list of work to be completed, and distribution.
- Css styling for the modal.
- Bug testing.
- Lunar calendar HTML and JavaScript.
- Added ability to search any day and month to the calendar.
- Used bulma for responsiveness and styling.
- Managed github repo.
- Assisted in syncing Lunar Calendar with Moon Phase Modal
- Bug testing.
- Header HTML and JavaScript for city input to search weather.
- API call to positionstack to get latitude and longitude from City to use for daily moon phase search.
- Error modals dynamically added according to error received.
- Media queries.
- Presentation slides.
- Bug testing.
- Layout wireframe.
- Daily Moon Phase box HTML and JavaScript.
- Two API calls using to return astronomy and weather info from selected city.
- API call from OpenWeather to supplement lack of precipitation data provided by
- Dynamically added info to the page.
- CSS styling for the entire application.
- Composed README file.
- Bug testing.
Moon Pictures (Copyright Free):
Bridget Schaefer - [email protected] Lewis Holgate - [email protected] Jill Holmes - [email protected] Corrie Butler - [email protected]