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Litex Example integration project in a container


This image contains the necessary files for running Litex integration.

For now the litex project is heavilly based on the yetifrisstlama github repository called litex_test_project available here:


You must have the following installed in yout base system:

- docker >= 17.09.0
- docker-compose >= 1.17.0
- Xilinx Vivado 2018.2 installed in /opt/Xilinx


The idea of this project is to be used as a template to work with Litex environment tools in a reproducible way. So, basically, one would have all of the litex project sources inside litex-intergration directory and the result of that would be generated at the build directory, available in the host machine after the container finishes.

Everything inside litex-intergration directory will be bind mounted to the /litex-intergration inside the cointainer. The developer can then run the desired command when running the container.

As an example, the Makefile contains the necessary docker-compose flags to run the litex environment, bind mount the directories and run the base_cpu.oy litex python command to generate all of the gaetware and software.

Build example project

Be sure to clone this repository with: --recursive or --recurse-submodules:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

Build project example (resulting in a .bit file):

    make ACTION=build run

Alternatively you can just generate the Verilog HDL from Litex/Migen description:

    make ACTION=gen_hdl run

The results will be at build directory. The Makefile basically contains docker-compose commands with the appropriate flags .

To remove the generated files, run:

    make clean

Download the bitstream into the FPGA:

    make ACTION=config run

Additionally you can compile and download an example software into the soft-core CPU.

To compile the software:

    make firmware.bin

Download the firmware:

    make download_firmware


Litex Integration Project






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