This codebase is 100% python and focuses on extracting public emissions related data.
This project depends on you having pip
, python3
and venv
on your local machine.
open a cmd line terminal and run: git clone
Navigate to the project folder in the cmd line by entering cd the-green-project Now in the cmd line enter python3 -m venv env ** To test you have setup the virtual environment successfully using the cmd line enter: source env/bin/active. If successful you should now see (env) at the beginning of the cmdline cursor
Create a .env file at the root of the source code (the-green-project/.env) Contact [email protected] to receive the .env file needed to run environment variables or have these variables set in your instance
iPython is used to run this codebase and should already be installed with the requirements.txt To execute a file the virtual environment must be activated, next to call the file in the terminal type ipython then the python filepath.
ex: ipython