A tool to assess the mitigation status of virtual machines against cross-core microarchitectural attacks
$ python3 main.py
: printing additional information and outputting even when an error is encountered
: ignores containerisation - only full virtualisation is considered
$ nix-shell -p python3 util-linux systemd --pure -I \
https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/4ecab3273592f27479a583fb6d975d4aba3486fe.tar.gz \
--run "python3 main.py"
# Arch
$ pacman -Syyu python util-linux systemd --noconfirm
# Debian / Ubuntu
$ apt update && apt install -y python3 util-linux systemd
# Alpine (no systemd available)
$ apk update && apk add python3 util-linux
# RHEL / Rocky / CentOS
$ dnf install python3 util-linux systemd -y
# OpenSUSE
$ zypper -n in python3 util-linux systemd
# Void Linux (no systemd available)
$ xbps-install -S python3 util-linux -y
# FreeBSD (no systemd available)
$ pkg install python3 lscpu