col-whitegry_plus is a CSS theme for ResourceSpace, based on col-whitegry. This theme modifies some unsophisticated issues of default theme.
- good-looking search result page
- smooth touch scrolling on iOS
- replacing poor button styles when responsive plugin enabled
- ResourceSpace Revision 7009 or later
- rse_responsive plugin
- Download the theme to
- Login as administrator and go to Team Center > Manage plugins
- Expand "Enterprise" section and activate rse_responsive
- Expand "User Interface" section and activate col-whitegry_plus
- (Optional) Set recommended configs to your
# Enable AJAX popup info box on search results.
# Display a small resource file type icon in the info box?
# An alternative mode for the InfoBox, that displays the preview image instead of any metadata.
# Enable user rating of resources
# Users can rate resources using a star ratings system on the resource view page.
# Average ratings are automatically calculated and used for the 'popularity' search ordering.
# Display User Rating Stars in search views (a popularity column in list view)
# Use checkboxes for selecting resources
# Option to show resource ID in the thumbnail, next to the action icons.
# Image preview zoom using jQuery.zoom (hover over the preview image to zoom in on the resource view page)
MIT License