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robjhyndman committed Nov 11, 2018
1 parent 71a977c commit cecb3fa
Show file tree
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,633 additions and 636 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files:
Expand Down
41 changes: 14 additions & 27 deletions rjhcv.tex → CVtemplate.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,17 @@

% Change color to blue

\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
Expand All @@ -30,7 +37,7 @@
\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} % url is loaded by hyperref
%\urlstyle{same} % don't use monospace font for urls
\urlstyle{same} % don't use monospace font for urls
\VerbatimFootnotes % allows verbatim text in footnotes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,15 +146,12 @@

% Define ragged right columns within tables

% Color of headings


Expand All @@ -171,7 +175,7 @@
\hbox to 17cm{\begin{tabular}{P{7.4cm}}
Expand All @@ -188,9 +192,9 @@

% Section headings

% Miscellaneous dimensions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,12 +295,6 @@

% Change color to blue

% Space before section headings


\info{\faicon{map-marker} & $address$%
Expand All @@ -307,17 +305,6 @@
$if(github)$\\\faicon{github} & $github$$endif$%


\maps[datatype=bibtex, overwrite]{
\step[fieldset=month, null]

% Use useprefix because of Ashton de Silva

Expand Down
26 changes: 0 additions & 26 deletions Makefile

This file was deleted.

174 changes: 78 additions & 96 deletions trial.Rmd → RobHyndmanCV.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,18 @@ name: Rob J Hyndman
address: "Department of Econometrics & Business Statistics, Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia."
phone: +61 3 9905 5141
email: [email protected]
email: "[email protected]"
twitter: robjhyndman
github: robjhyndman
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %Y')`"
bibliography: [rjhpubs.bib,rjhreports.bib,Rpackages.bib]
geometry: "left=1.75cm,right=1.75cm,top=2.2cm,bottom=2cm"
headcolor: "000088"
fontfamily: carlito
fontfamilyoptions: "sfdefault,lf,t"
template: rjhcv.tex
template: CVtemplate.tex
citation_package: biblatex
keep_tex: yes
Expand All @@ -20,12 +23,14 @@ output:
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
# Read any bib files
pubs <- ReadBib("rjhpubs.bib", check = FALSE)
reports <- ReadBib("rjhreports.bib", check = FALSE)

```{r Rpackages, eval=FALSE}
# Construct bib file for R packages
mypackages <- c(
pkglist = c(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,60 +64,15 @@ mypackages <- c(
#write.bib(mypackages, "Rpackages.bib")

```{r bibfiles}
# Read any bib files
pubs <- ReadBib("rjhpubs.bib", check = FALSE)
reports <- ReadBib("rjhreports.bib", check = FALSE)
packages <- ReadBib("Rpackages.bib", check = FALSE)
# Function to produce very basic table, no lines or headings
baretable <- function(tbl, digits = 0, colnames=FALSE, rownames=FALSE, ...) {
tbl %>%
xtable::xtable(digits = digits) %>%
include.colnames = colnames,
include.rownames = rownames,
hline.after = NULL,
comment = FALSE,
latex.environments = NULL,
floating = FALSE,
sanitize.text.function = function(x) {
# Global variable to count number of times printbibliography has been called
...calls <- 0L
# Main function for printing bibliography section
# category is a character vector of bib types
# title is the section heading
printbibliography <- function(bib,
category = c("Article"),
title = "Refereed journal papers",
sorting = "ynt",
startlabel = NULL,
endlabel = NULL) {
...calls <<- ...calls + 1L
if (...calls > 15) {
stop("Sorry, I'm out of memory")
types <- as_tibble(bib) %>% pull(bibtype)
bibsubset <- bib[types %in% category]
items <- paste(unlist(bibsubset$key), sep = "")
bibname <- paste("bib", ...calls, sep = "")
cat("\n\\defbibheading{", bibname, "}{\\subsection*{", title, "}}",
ifelse(!is.null(startlabel), paste("\\label{", startlabel, "}", sep = ""), ""),
sep = ""
cat("\n\\addtocategory{", bibname, "}{",
paste(items, ",", sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
sep = ""
cat("\n\\newrefcontext[sorting=", sorting, "]\\setcounter{papers}{0}\\pagebreak[3]", sep = "")
cat("\n\\printbibliography[category=", bibname, ",heading=", bibname, "]\\setcounter{papers}{0}\n", sep = "")
if (!is.null(endlabel)) {
cat("\\label{", endlabel, "}", sep = "")

# Education and qualifications
Expand All @@ -127,20 +87,40 @@ tribble(

# Recent and current positions
# Employment history

```{r positions, results='asis'}
```{r employment, results='asis'}
~Start, ~End, ~Position,
1985, 1992, "\\textbf{Statistical consultant}, Department of Statistics, University of Melbourne",
1993, 1994, "\\textbf{Lecturer}, Department of Statistics, University of Melbourne",
1995, 1996, "\\textbf{Lecturer}, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Monash University",
1997, 1998, "\\textbf{Senior Lecturer}, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Monash University",
1998, 2000, "\\textbf{Senior Lecturer}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
2001, 2003, "\\textbf{Associate Professor}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
2003, NA, "\\textbf{Professor}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
2019, NA, "\\textbf{Head}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
2011, NA, "\\textbf{Editor}, \\textit{Journal of Statistical Software}",
2005, 2018, "\\textbf{Editor-in-Chief}, \\textit{International Journal of Forecasting}",
) %>%
arrange(-Start) %>%
#filter(Start > 2000) %>%
mutate(End = replace_na(End, "")) %>%
mutate(Year = paste(Start, "--", End, sep = "")) %>%
select(Year, Position) %>%

# Other positions

```{r positions, results='asis'}
~Start, ~End, ~Position,
2001, 2004, "\\textbf{Theory and Methods Editor}, \\emph{Australian \\& New Zealand Journal of Statistics}",
2005, 2018, "\\textbf{Director}, International Institute of Forecasters",
2003, NA, "\\textbf{Professor}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
2001, 2003, "\\textbf{Associate Professor}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
1999, 2000, "\\textbf{Senior Lecturer}, Department of Econometrics \\& Business Statistics, Monash University",
1995, 1997, "\\textbf{Lecturer}, Department of Mathematics, Monash University"
2005, 2018, "\\textbf{Editor-in-Chief}, \\textit{International Journal of Forecasting}",
2011, NA, "\\textbf{Editor}, \\textit{Journal of Statistical Software}",
) %>%
arrange(-Start) %>%
filter(Start > 2000) %>%
mutate(End = replace_na(End, "")) %>%
mutate(Year = paste(Start, "--", End, sep = "")) %>%
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,20 +150,21 @@ tribble(

# Membership of associations
# Current memberships

* Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
* Member, International Institute of Forecasters
* Member, International Association for Statistical Computing
* Member, Statistical Society of Australia
* Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
* Member, International Institute of Forecasters
* Member, International Association for Statistical Computing
* Member, Statistical Society of Australia
* Member, International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics

# Research

* Since 1991 I have authored `r length(pubs)` papers, chapters or books on statistical topics. A list of these appears on pages \pageref{papersstart}--\pageref{papersend}.
* My current research involves the analysis of large collections of time series, and includes visualization, forecasting, reconciliation and modelling. Applications include electricity demand and smart-meter data, security sensors, manufacturing data and retail sales.
* I currently supervise six PhD students and two post-doctoral research fellows. I have previously supervised another 22 PhD students and 3 Masters students.
* I publish the [*Hyndsight*]( blog on research issues which receives an average of about 2000 pageviews per day.
* I have produced `r length(packages)` R packages as a result of my research. These are listed on pages \pageref{packagestart}--\pageref{packageend}.
* Since 1991 I have authored `r length(pubs)` papers, chapters or books on statistical topics. A list of these appears on pages \pageref{papersstart}--\pageref{papersend}.
* My current research involves the analysis of large collections of time series, and includes visualization, forecasting, reconciliation and modelling. Applications include electricity demand and smart-meter data, security sensors, manufacturing data and retail sales.
* I currently supervise six PhD students and two post-doctoral research fellows. I have previously supervised another 22 PhD students and 3 Masters students.
* I publish the [*Hyndsight*]( blog on research issues which receives an average of about 2000 pageviews per day.
* I have produced `r length(packages)` R packages as a result of my research. These are listed on pages \pageref{packagestart}--\pageref{packageend}.


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,17 +256,18 @@ I have acquired (in most cases jointly) about $5 million in external research gr

# Advisory boards

* Member of the Scaling committee, Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre. This committee is responsible for producing the ATAR for VCE students.
* Member of the Interstate Transfer Index Technical Group for the Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres.
* Member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistical and Technical Advisory Group for the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
* Member of the Methodology Advisory Committee for the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
* Member of the Scaling committee, Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (1994--). This committee is responsible for producing the ATAR for VCE students.
* Member of the Interstate Transfer Index Technical Group for the Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (2003--).
* Member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistical and Technical Advisory Group for the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2017--).
* Member of the Methodology Advisory Committee for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2010--2018).


# Publications
# Publications

```{r, results='asis'}
rjh <- c(pubs, reports, packages)
```{r publist, results='asis'}
# Find editorials
editorials <- rjh$key %in% c(
editorials <- pubs$key %in% c(
Expand All @@ -295,21 +277,21 @@ editorials <- rjh$key %in% c(
printbibliography(rjh, "PhdThesis", "PhD thesis", startlabel = "papersstart")
printbibliography(rjh, "Book", "Books")
printbibliography(pubs, "PhdThesis", "PhD thesis", startlabel = "papersstart")
printbibliography(pubs, "Book", "Books")
# Normal articles excluding editorials
printbibliography(rjh[!editorials], "Article", "Refereed research papers")
printbibliography(rjh, c("InBook", "InCollection"), "Book chapters")
printbibliography(rjh, "InProceedings", "Papers in refereed conference proceedings")
printbibliography(rjh, c("TechReport", "Unpublished"), "Working papers under revision or review")
printbibliography(rjh, "Review", "Book reviews")
printbibliography(pubs[!editorials], "Article", "Refereed research papers")
printbibliography(pubs, c("InBook", "InCollection"), "Book chapters")
printbibliography(pubs, "InProceedings", "Papers in refereed conference proceedings")
printbibliography(pubs, c("TechReport", "Unpublished"), "Working papers under revision or review")
printbibliography(pubs, "Review", "Book reviews")
# Now the editorials
printbibliography(rjh[editorials], "Article", "Editorials", endlabel = "papersend")
printbibliography(rjh, "Report", "Statistical consulting reports",
printbibliography(pubs[editorials], "Article", "Editorials", endlabel = "papersend")
printbibliography(reports, "Report", "Statistical consulting reports",
startlabel = "consultingstart", endlabel = "consultingend"
# Sort R packages by title, then year.
printbibliography(rjh, "Manual", "Software (R packages)",
printbibliography(packages, "Manual", "Software (R packages)",
sorting = "ty",
startlabel = "packagestart", endlabel = "packageend"
Expand Down
Binary file modified RobHyndmanCV.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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