An Ansible recipe for Koha installation on Fedora.
© Fondazione BEIC e Federico Leva, 2016
GNU General Public License v3.0
- Fedora server.
- dnf install ansible libselinux-python python-dnf.
- Run
localedef -i it_IT -f UTF-8 it_IT
or whatever if your locale is not set inlocale
The recipe has not been fully tested on CentOS 7, which requires EPEL for ansible and dnf
and Zebra RPMs: CentOS Plus, RPM Fusion and RepoForge lack packages too (notably Yaz).
- Check that the configuration suits you.
- Edit
to add your server IP or hostname. - From the machine which can ssh into the server, run:
ansible-playbook koha.yml -u root -i inventory.ini
- Complete the online install.