Cookies and session management (memory store)
Postgresql db to store registered users
Pure SQL operations (inserts & queries with aggregation) using purescript-selda
Send registration confirmation email
Used purescript HTTP server framework: HTTPure
- default
- serves register.html file with email input form
- submitting the form makes POST request to /register
- POST /register
- with email in body
- signes (using hmac) email concatenated with session id and uses it to create confirmation link
- sends email with confirmation link (which leads to next endpoint)
- GET /confirm/<signed_email_with_session_id>
- check signed email and session id
- serves register-password.html file with password input form
- submitting the form makes POST request to /confirm
- POST /confirm/<signed_email_with_session_id>
- with password in body
- check signed email and session id
- tries to register the user in the database (email may be taken)