This container has been prepared to support Liferay projets. It can also be used for Development purpose.
You have to install docker-compose to run it.
- add the jdk and liferay tomcat bundles in the asset folder
- "liferay-7-tomcat/assets/packages/" : Oracle JDK archive (jdk-8u<...>-linux-x64.tar.gz)
- "liferay-7-tomcat/assets/packages/" : Liferay 7.x tomcat bundle .7z archive (liferay<...>.7z)
- Simply run "docker-compose up -d"
- afterwards can directly start/stop/restart the 2 created containers (starting with the git project name)
- Use the deploy
- mapped ports on the local machine (remove the port mapping in the docker-compose.yml files if you want to connect directly)
- ssh to mount file system if needed ("sudo sshfs -o allow_other [email protected]:/opt/liferay /opt/liferay/docker/sshmount/ -p 22")
- The whole tomcat configuration can be updated (Specific information for liferay container is in the liferay-7-tomcat folder. Look at the information)
- "liferay-7-tomcat/assets/conf/" : can be updated with specific portal settings
- "liferay-7-tomcat/assets/conf/data" : can be updated with specific files for import
- "liferay-7-tomcat/assets/conf/tomcat/*" : can be updated with specific tomcat configurations (setenv,, etc...)
Port mapping:
- 45432 : postresql port, user lportal/lportal for the database connexion
- 40022 : ssh connexion. "admin" is the password for the root user
- 48080 : liferay, http://localhost:48080 to go on the server
- 49000 : liferay debug port
- 41311 : Liferay Felix shell for OSGI bundles management
SSHFS mount:
- The ssh server is usefull mainly for mouting the container file system
- eg : "sudo sshfs -o allow_other root@localhost:/opt/liferay /opt/liferay/docker/sshmount/ -p 40022"
- "./postgres-data" : database data
- "./deploy" : liferay deploy directory for module deployment
- Use a simple admin tool, portainer is a good one to manage containers on a local machine (
- Specific information for liferay container is in the liferay-7-tomcat folder. Look at the information