Scrum sprint retrospective tool; assignment from De Voorhoede
- Vite 3
- Vue 3 (+ Pinia & Router)
- TypeScript
- Firebase (Auth and Realtime Database)
- Vitest
- ESLint, Stylelint / BEM
Hosted at Firebase, but any hosting with redirect support (for SPA style / History API routing to work) will do. No server-side code to execute.
Deploying to Firebase happens upon every merge & pull to the main branch at GitHub via GitHub Actions.
Technology choice mostly driven by the facts that SEO & time to first content do not seem to be on the requirement list (thus no SSR), while rather complex real-time data update is (here the usage of a real-time database seems the easiest approach).
Use to work with the instance of the app deployed at Firebase hosting.
npm run dev
to start the application locally. Connection settings are hardcoded, so it works with the same auth service and DB as in production.
npm run build
to package the application for production. Can be e.g. deployed manually using the Firebase CLI. Also runs the TypeScript checks
npm run test:unit
to run unit tests using Vitest
npm run lint
to run the ESLint checks
npx stylelint "**/*.vue" "**/*.scss"
to run the Stylelint checks
- Adding & renaming categories, deleting empty categories (probably would be part of a separate view in a real-life app though, not to clog the main UI)
- Adding tickets to categories, editing tickets, deleting tickets without votes (observing app usage might lead to permitting deleting tickets with votes also)
- Voting for tickets & revoking votes, max 1 vote per user per ticket, max 2 votes per user per category
- Passwordless authentication (by Firebase, signin links sent to email)
- Multiple user support, real-time updates
- Responsive layouts, support for touch devices
- Dark color scheme support
- ESLint is mostly set to follow the widest ("recommended") set of rules & conventions for Vue & general TypeScript code
- StyleLink is set to follow the "standard" rule set for CSS/SCSS and BEM conventions
- The unit tests are proof-of-concept only, being not implemented for most of the code
- End-to-end tests not implemented
- Automatic sorting based on votes
- Timer for disabling further editing
- Sending out the results to participants
- Staring out a new board
- Reordering of categories
- Less intrusive switching to edit mode (e.g. without ticket height changing)
- Better accessibility & keyboard navigation
- Always-visibile action icons on touch devices (vs. visible on hover on desktop) clog the interface
- Left vs central positioning of categories on board
- Possibly commit ticket creation and update on enter (instead on insering a line feed)